New Community Episode Withdrawals Week 1

This is a Thursday night much like other Thursday nights.  I sit in front of my computer discussing things with people over the internet.  That’s my life.  Plus some work tonight.  There is only one thing missing.  Where is my new episode of Community?

This is the first night I had to go without hope of a new episode of Community.  I am beginning to experience withdrawal.  What will happen to the study group following Christmas Break?  Will Troy become a plumber or will he become an air conditioner repairman?  Will he choose something different?  Will Chang ever be accepted into the group?  How did they do in school?  Has Abed figured out how to cross the evil timeline into theirs?  All of these questions will go unanswered.

Symptoms that I have shown tonight include a headache.  That is right.  Tonight I have had a headache.  I do not attribute this headache to dehydration.  Oh no.  The headache is surely caused by the heartache of Community not being on the NBC Winter schedule.  That is what this new episode withdrawal is doing to me.  It is causing a strain on my head.

The best medicine for this withdrawal was to watch an older episode of Community.  I turned on episode six of this season which involved a big gay party.  It seems to have helped a little bit but it’s not the same type of fix as a new episode.  I need a new episode.

When Community comes back, I will hopefully be better.  Until then, I will be logging the advancement of my new Community episode withdrawal symptoms each week.  How long will it be until I die due to lack of new Community episodes?


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