Snow Set Movie 4: Dead Snow (2009)

Zombie movies tend to not involve snow.  Dead Snow, the next movie in the Snow Set Movie Marathon, takes zombies into this untapped setting.  Not only did Dead Snow take a fairly uncovered setting, the also took one of the now zombie clichés.  The zombies are Nazis.

Before I get into the good and bad things about the movie, I’m going to do a one line description that better describes what happens.  A group of young adults go to a ski cabin only to find zombie Nazis roaming the mountains.  That’s it.  Fairly basic but oh so fun.

This is a European foreign film.  I think it’s Norwegian but I could be way off and don’t want to check that information.  All you need to know is that it’s foreign and from Europe.  If you don’t like subtitles, then you don’t deserve a movie with awesome action like this one.  There is a scene where two people run through a field fighting zombie Nazis with hammers, sickles, chainsaws, and hatchets.  But there are subtitles so you deserve to miss out on this amazing scene if you don’t like subtitles.

The plot is very basic in this movie.  It’s like a slasher movie type of story.  A bunch of young adults in an isolated location getting picked off one by one.  There is even a mention of it early on in the movie.  That could be a downside to the movie but sometimes a basic plot could be an aid to a movie.  In this case, I think it was.

It was an aid because the focus of the movie was on the action and the effects.  It wasn’t the best filmed action I had ever seen.  It might have been bloodier than necessary.  It didn’t look bad though, and it was a hell of a lot of fun to watch it get thrown up on the screen.

As you can see, I don’t have too much to say aside from the fact that I had a lot of fun watching this movie.  If you’re a fan of zombies you would be a fan of this movie.  If you like watching Nazis get their comeuppance, this movie is for you.  I don’t know what else I can say about this movie.  I don’t have much to say that isn’t “It was so much fun.”


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