The Mustache Movie Marathon Awards Part 2

It is day two of the Mustache Movie Marathon Awards Show.  Yesterday, we took a look at the music, at the dialogue, and at the actresses in the movies.  We will continue from there today with five more awards that cover the actors, the movies themselves, and finally the mustaches.  Before we start, it’s time for a word from our sponsor.

The next movie marathon is the Snow Set Movie Marathon.  There are two blog entries up already for it.  You can check them out on the same blog that this awards show is featured in.  You won’t regret checking them out.  I hope.

Now onto the first award: the award for worst actor.  There aren’t too many movies to look at.  Basically, take man from Mr. Nanny that isn’t Sherman Hemsley, and you have your nominees.  Only one can win.  Who was it?  It was David Johansen.  His portrayal of Tommy Thanatos was so terrible that it made me want to bash my head against the wall until I needed to get a metal plate put in.  I can’t say that anyone was nearly as bad as he was in any movie in the marathon.

After you do the worst actor, you need to go to the opposite of that.  Here are the honourable mentions for the best actor award of the Mustache Movie Marathon.  Both David Niven and Peter Sellers were impressive throughout The Pink Panther but they weren’t quite on par with the winner.  Charlie Chaplin was amazing in The Great Dictator showing off his physicality and why he was one of the great comedians of the time.  Errol Flynn was the best Robin Hood that I have ever seen.  The problem is that all of these performances pale in comparison to the work that Daniel Day Lewis did as Daniel Plainview in There Will Be Blood.  Daniel Day-Lewis showed why he is one of the best actors of modern times through the pain, suffering, and egotistical ways of the character.  I don’t think anyone could have played the part as well and it was a well deserved best actor award that he earned from me for the Mustache Movie Marathon.

Since the mustache is the pinnacle of the entire marathon, I’m moving onto the worst movie award.  There are three nominees.  The first nominee is Three Men and a Baby.  The second nominee is Mr. Nanny.  The final nominee is Road House.  The winner, or loser, out of the three nominees for the Mustache Movie Marathon, is Three Men and a Baby.  Yes, yes, on paper, it might seem better than Mr. Nanny.  The reason it wins, however, is due to sheer entertainment.  At least the Hulk Hogan starring Mr. Nanny entertained me.  Three Men and a Baby bored me for however long its running time was.  That is why Three Men and a Baby is the worst movie of the Mustache Movie Marathon.

I guess that would logically bring us to the best movie of the marathon.  The award for best movie is prestigious.  Few movies earn this award.  One for each marathon, to be exact.  The nominees for best movie of the Mustache Movie Marathon are: The Adventures of Robin Hood; There Will Be Blood; The Great Dictator; and The Pink Panther.  They all begin with the letters ‘the’.  Funny, isn’t it?  The winner of best movie is There Will Be Blood.  This was a tough decision.  I really liked the feel of Robin Hood, and The Pink Panther had me laughing pretty heartily.  However, the way that There Will Be Blood is able to suck me in is like no other movie in this marathon.  Right from the first second, I am absorbed into There Will Be Blood.  That is why it earned the spot of best movie in the Mustache Movie Marathon.

Aaaaaand it’s time for the most anticipated award of the entire marathon.  This is the award for the best mustache.  The nominees are simple.  It’s the person from each movie that was the reason I picked the movie: Errol Flynn, Charlie Chaplin, Peter Sellers, Burt Reynolds, Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott, Hulk Hogan, Jay Chandrasekhar, and Daniel Day Lewis.  Can I get a drumroll for the winner?  The winner is Burt Reynolds for his work in Smokey and the Bandit.  Here is my reasoning.  It’s not a bad looking mustache and it helps to define the character as much as his actions and his car.  The mustache is like it is actually a character.  That is why it was the best mustache of the Mustache Movie Marathon.

That brings the mustache movie marathon to an end.  All around, it was a good marathon.  Now I am looking forward to the Snow Set Movie Marathon and the movies that it brings with it.  There will be another awards show at the beginning of the new year to celebrate the movies of that marathon.  I hope you are still reading when we get to that time.  See you then.  Or in between if you read the other blog entries.  Thank you guys and girls.


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