A Look Back at 2011 - Description

Let’s get this started.  Instead of doing a list of the top 10 or top 20 or whatever of a given thing from the past year, I’m just looking at what has happened with me in the past year.  This will range from the blog, to school, to work, to movies, to just plain being me in general.  I’ll try and cover as much as I can because I feel like doing just that.

Do you want to know the reason I won’t do a top ten list or whatever length it would be?  It’s because I will always feel like I have left something out.  On top of that, I don’t want to go back and add in any of the stuff that I’ve left out.  And in terms of movies themselves, I surely haven’t seen enough to make a proper top ten list.  It seems ludicrous for me to even attempt these lists.

For that reason, I have chosen a highlight reel instead of a top whatever list.  A highlight reel seems like a more fitting task.  I’ll touch upon some good things, some bad things, and some just plain memorable things that have gone on with me.  It might bore you.  It might excite you.  It might turn you on.  I don’t know you.  People tend to have weird kinks once in a while.  Who am I to judge you for that?  If you get turned on by my year highlights, then you get turned on.

So that’s what there is to look forward to as we approach the new year.  You get to remember the past year, through me.  Or you can remember your year and read about mine.  Or you could ignore me and make me feel like a used heroin syringe.  That is all up to you to decide.

I do not know how much is going to show up over the next week and a half.  It could be very frequent, or there could only be a few extra blog entries.  I just feel like doing a year end thing and this is where it is coming from.  Stay tuned to my blog for the look back at my 2011.


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