Uncharted 3

It’s not often that I play a video game enough to warrant actually writing a little bit about it.  It’s rarer for me to buy the video game myself.  I’m not a huge video game person.  If you’ve spoken to me before, you know I’m more of a movie/tv person than anything.  But I had to buy Uncharted 3, and I felt the need to write about it.

Why do I feel the need to write about it a week after it came out, and even longer since everyone wrote about it?  Well...there is the fact that I just beat the game tonight after buying it three days ago.  There is the fact that I enjoyed the game itself, and the story it told me.  Then there is the part where I never played Uncharted or Uncharted 2, so I came in to this one blind.

If you missed it on Twitter, when I finished this game I said “I want to play Uncharted 3 with George Lucas and see if he thinks there aren’t enough aliens.”  Why?  If you’ve seen what anyone has said about these games, it’s the fact that they are very much inspired by Indiana Jones and the inspirations for Indiana Jones.  The storyline is leagues above the not to be mentioned Indiana Jones movie.  It had a realism to its outlandish premises that wasn’t there for the fourth Indiana Jones.  The way it built the world allowed for the surrealism to exist.

I now understand why everyone says it is such a cinematic series of games.  Not that I played the other two, but this felt like a movie that I got to participate in.  It’s not often that I feel this way while playing a video game.

Now onto the fact that I started playing the series with the third instalment.  This did not bother me in any way.  There were a few instances in which previous games were referenced and I thought “Oh, that must have been a past adventure.”  However, the references did not necessitate knowledge of the stories in the past game to get anything out of them.  I went in knowing that they were on past adventures.  Who knows, there could be adventures between the playable adventures.  Thinking like that, they could reference any adventure we don’t get the chance to play.  I don’t need to know all of these adventures to know they happened and to know the consequences of such an adventure.  None of these references took away from the game.

Like Nathan Drake’s adventure, it is time for this writing to come to a close.  Maybe upon further thought, I will have more to write about.  That means that there could be another blog entry about Uncharted 3.  Until then...happy trails.


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