Daylight Savings Time

Daylight Savings Time.  This is possibly the worst thing to do with time.  Okay, maybe not the worst.  The worst thing to do with time might be a ticking clock in a waiting room with no magazines to stare into.  Or it could be any clock in a hospital because it’s in a hospital.  Those are bad.  As is a clock being thrown in the air so that you can see time fly.  Besides all of those, Daylight Savings Time is surely the worst thing to do with time.

What do I have against Daylight Savings Time?  Oh...I’m not mad at it out of my own personal feelings.  Oh no.  Don’t you be thinking that way.  I don’t like Daylight Savings Time for the sake of all people living on this planet.  Okay, not all.  There are some places that do not celebrate Daylight Savings Time.  Those places are lucky.

When you fly a long distance in a plane, you may or may not suffer from jet lag.  I have never experienced this because I have never flown on a plane.  That’s another story for another time.  Not really a story, but you get it.  Anyway, jet lag causes you to act a fool for a while because you’re in a different time zone and it throws off your timing balance.  Right?  Correct me if I’m wrong, and I surely am.  Jet lag is horrible.  Do you know what’s worse?  Daylight Savings Time.  It changes the time for so many people.

We went back in time here, the other night.  Last night, in fact.  I lived the 1am hour twice.  Do you know what that does?  It throws off my sleep schedule.  I need to now stay up an hour later to stay up an hour later the next day.  It’s an endless hour laterness that will mess me up even more when I have to wake up early for Tuesday.  Woohoo.

This time change is not nearly as bad as the one that comes in the Spring.  Let’s all skip an hour of our lives and be screwy for a week because our sleeping is messed right the hell up.  That’s right Daylight Savings Time!  Switching in and out of you like a manwhore in and out of a prostitute is the worst time experience ever!  It’s so bad that the simile in the sentence before this didn’t even make sense!

I’ve reached the peak of this put down to Daylight Savings Time and I have no way to come down.  It sucks.  That’s all I have.  I have no concluding statement to the entire thing.  This was just a long, pointless, rambling rant on why I hate Daylight Savings Time.  Like most of anything I’ve ever written, I cannot stick the landing.  Like Daylight Savings Time can’t stick in the hearts of people who hate it!


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