Four Stories of my Friend

I have a friend who gave me four fairly entertaining stories.  Today, I am going to share these stories with you.  They are coming of age stories about a man who is beginning to deal with becoming a man.  I wouldn’t share these stories if they completely sucked so at least I think they’re good enough to share.  Ready for the ride?  Let’s go.

This friend was walking to school one day.  He takes the city bus so it was just a walk from the bus stop to the school.  While he was walking up the street he saw two attractive girls.  Like any straight male would, he took a good look of the women.  While scanning his view back up to their faces he could see that they were laughing at him.  Then they walked past.  He wondered why they were laughing at him until he noticed his fly was open and his penis was talking.  It wasn’t out but if someone were to look, they’d be able to see it trying to jump out of his pants.

Another story of walking involved him going from school to his dad’s work.  I don’t even know how this happened and if it didn’t, it’s still a funny story.  As he was walking he sees an attractive girl.  Why not talk to her, he thinks, so he goes to start chatting her up.  They’re having a solid conversation and he asks her out.  Why not, right?  Her response was to ask what he had on him.  He wonders why and responds that he has his school supplies, a bus pass, etc.  She asks about money.  This whole time, she was a prostitute trying to get a quick job.  This was probably my favourite of all of his awkward stories.

Right across the street from our high school was a movie store.  I would go there once in a while, pick something up.  I’ve gotten Saving Private Ryan, Zack and Miri Make a Porno, and There Will Be Blood from that place.  One day, me and this friend went to the movie store and we were looking around.  That’s when we saw a movie called Pirates.  We checked the case out.  It seemed like a movie about a bunch of pirates, and it had a lot of women in it.  My friend bought the movie.  The next day he comes to school and says it was a lot more sexual than either of us were thinking it would be.  And he brought the movie to school to share it.  I’ve still never seen the movie but I’m sure this friend enjoyed it.

Final story.  The friend turned 19 and decided to go to the strip club for his 19th birthday.  He could drink now, and why not spend some time watching women take their clothes off.  The next day, he came into school with crutched and a bandage around his leg.  Nobody knew what had happened until someone asked.  He went to the strip club.  He got drunk and watched women dance around.  When he left, he did the responsible thing and took the bus home.  And then when he was getting off of the bus, he tripped on the curb, got his foot stuck in the door of the bus, and sprained his ankle.  That was one of the best sprained ankle stories I had heard.  Much better then when my brother pushed me off of a front porch railing.

That’s my friend, and those are four of his stories.  I enjoy thinking about them.  I’m not sure I relayed them so well but just imagine being told by the friend.  It was always funny to hear stuff like this happening to him.


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