Things I Learned From Movies 6: Hero Power!

Captain America was a solid entry into the superhero genre of films.  If not for the last three minutes, I’d put it near the top of my favourites.  It also taught me a little thing about being a hero.  Yes, this is the return of Things I Learned From Movies.

Through watching Captain America I came to realize something.  Although he is a super soldier and has enhanced physical prowess and a safety shield, the actual hero personality comes from within.  That’s right, being a hero comes from within.  This is a fairly obvious observation but well worth noting.

Being a hero has almost nothing to do with being physically superior to others.  Physicality may help but it is nowhere near the most important part.  Being a hero can be helped by technology but that is not what makes you a hero.  Being a hero comes down to your own personal beliefs and instincts.  If someone was in trouble would you go out of your way to help them or would you leave them to suffer?  The answer to that question is most of the reasoning behind being a hero.  If you will do anything in order to stop a crime, stop some sort of bullying, stop any form of cruelty, you are a hero.

Heroes come in all shapes and sizes.  You can do the smallest thing and be a hero.  You could move someone out of the way of an oncoming car.  You could pull someone out of the water when they can’t get out themselves.  You could get a cat out of a tree for a young child.  You could stop a nuclear holocaust.  Any of these things could make you a hero to someone.  It’s all about how you present yourself and the actions you take in life.

All of these choices to do these things come from within.  In your mind and in your heart.  You make the choice of whether to be a good person or a bad person.  Everyone is a hero in their own way if they choose a certain path.  We can all be heroic.

That’s what Captain America taught me, extrapolated a lot, blown out of proportion, and rambled on in a nonsensical way.  It’s your choice to be a hero as much as it’s your choice to read this blog.  Either way, I thank you if you be a hero or read this blog.  Thanks.


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