Bad Teacher? Yes. Bad Teacher

I turned on Bad Teacher last night hoping for a little bit of entertainment.  What did I get?  I got a little bit of entertainment.  Mostly, I got the entertainment from the entire cast that wasn’t Cameron Diaz.  That’s right.  Cameron Diaz did nothing for me in any way.

The entire movie was about how hot the teacher was, even though she wanted to be hotter by getting bigger boobs.  The problem with the whole concept, and placing Cameron Diaz as the hot teacher that David Lee Roth would be all over is that Cameron Diaz is not hot.  Nor has she been hot for a long time.  Maybe the only time she was hot was in The Mask.

Now, I’m not saying she’s completely unattractive.  She’s okay.  She’s not the worst I’ve seen by any means.  There is a difference between attractive and hot.  Cameron Diaz, under the right light, and at the right angle, can be a fairly attractive woman.  I have no doubt about that.  But...when you say she’s hot, give her character the personality that says “I’m hot and you know it and I know it.” and put her in a tied up shirt and Daisy Dukes only to get her all wet, riding on a car...she’s NOT hot.  That was not an attractive thing.  It may have turned my penis into a vagina, that’s how un-turned on I am by Cameron Diaz at this point.  Yes.  I just said she gave me an inverse boner.

I’m all for a raunchy comedy where the bitchy, hot character is knocked down a peg and learns something.  But first thing is first...she has to be hot.  That’s the main part where this movie went wrong.  They went out of their way to focus on the few angles that make Cameron Diaz’s figure look good.  They had to point out, every five minutes or so, how attractive her character was supposed to be.  Do you want to know why?  To try and brainwash the audience into thinking Cameron Diaz was hot.  The second problem with this is that the character has to be knocked down a peg.  Her character never was, and went on thinking she was hot and was all that.  But she’s not hot.

I could ramble on for another twenty minutes on how this is a really flawed movie based solely on that one casting choice but if you aren’t with me at this point, you won’t be with me after seven thousand more words.  It’s my opinion, everyone is entitled to their own.

Like I said, I enjoyed the rest of the cast.  It’s just the one problem that kept me from actually liking the movie as a whole because she was the main character and lead actress.  Whatever.  Agree, disagree...what do I care?


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