The Horror-Like Movie Marathon Wrap Up Part 3

Cue the music, cue the lights, it’s time, it’s time, it’s the final awards night!  Tonight is the night where I will be giving out the prestigious best and worst of my Horror-Like Movie Marathon.  The best and worst awards that count. Do you want to start?  Let’s start.

Now what should I put first?  I’m not doing a worst death because many times, the worst death is so bad that you enjoy it, so it would be best for you.  Here are some of the notable runners up for best death.  As much as I dislike Halloween Resurrection, it did manage to have death by tripod.  Michael Myers lifts a camera and shoved the tripod base through a guy.  Another runner up in this category is in Sleepaway Camp 2: Unhappy Campers.  When someone uses a drill to kill someone and it comes with some really bad dialogue, it is always a plus for me.  If I had to toss in another death it would be the entire ending of the director’s cut of Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2.  Watch the ending and you’ll understand.  I guess I’ll give one more make this category four nominees and a winner.  Leprechaun in the Hood.  There are multiple times when Lep uses his magic to blast holes in people’s chests.  Then he has trouble stopping people from taking his gold.  So dumb, so fun, and amusing deaths.  But...the winner...the entire movie of Piranha 3-D.  You cannot only pick one from this movie.  A pornstar who naked parachutes behind a boat and gets eaten when she hits the water.  A Wild Wild Girls director who has his penis coughed up by a piranha.  A girl who gets scalped by a motorboat.  A pornstar who is sliced in half by a snapped wire.  And that’s only four of the bountiful deaths in the movie.  Piranha 3-D, you earned this award.

In many horror movies, the actors aren’t looked upon as much as the actresses.  I’ll still give an actor respect if he deserves it.  That’s what this best actor award is for.  Runners up?  Warwick Davis for his work as the leprechaun in the series titled, obviously, Leprechaun.  Donald Pleasance earns a nomination for his turn as Dr. Sam Loomis in the Halloween series.  John Cassavettes was good enough in Rosemary’s Baby to earn both my respect, and a nomination for best actor.  I have to also give both Russ Tamblyn and Richard Johnson props for their work in The Haunting.  They both get nominations.  That’s how many good actors I found throughout this marathon.  However, one actor went above and beyond all of these.  This actor was Vincent Price who earned the Best Actor award for this marathon by giving a great performance in House of Wax.  I may have been a little less ecstatic in my review, but he was still good and I think gave the best performance of the marathon, for the men.

On the flip side of this, here are the worst actor nominees for the marathon.  Do you know the name Guy Siner?  He played Dr. Mittenhand in Leprechaun 4: In Space.  He played it very poorly.  He got nominated for worst actor.  The Leprechaun series also got a second nomination with Mark Holton from the original film in the series.  Can’t stand the character, partially due to his bad acting in the role.  And no worst actor nominee list is complete without Busta Rhymes in Halloween Resurrection.  Just having him on screen is bad enough but then he talks.  However, one man stands out above all others.  This man was once a child in one of the most highly regarded science fiction and action films of all time, Terminator 2.  This man is Edward Furlong and boy did he stink in Cruel World.  You win, Edward.  You win the Worst Actor for my Horror-Like Movie Marathon.  Congratulations for being that bad.

I still have four more awards to do.  Here are a few nominees, and a winner, for best actress.  Actually, this will be short.  I only have three women on this list.  Jamie Lee Curtis gets a nomination for her work in Halloween, Halloween 2, and Halloween H20.  She wasn’t in any others, right?  Right.  Her character wasn’t in Resurrection.  The next nominee is Julie Harris for her work in The Haunting.  This was a tough one to keep out of the winning spot because she was so darn good in the part.  If it weren’t for the winner, she would have easily won.  But I watched Rosemary’s Baby second to last in the marathon and that is where I saw Mia Farrow rock the socks off of all other actresses in the marathon.  Not much more to say than that.  Mia gets the win.

Worst actress must come after best actress, yes?  Well here it is.  The nominees should be quite easy here.  Shevonne Durkin as the leprechaun’s assumed bride in Leprechaun 2.  Tyra Banks in Halloween Resurrection.  Pamela Springsteen for Sleepaway Camp 2 and Sleepaway Camp 3.  Why she had the part, I have no idea.  There needs to be a winner, though.  The winner of Worst Actress is...da da da dum...Desiree Gould.  Worst acting I have seen since Edward Furlong in Cruel World.  Although in this case, it might have been a tad bit intentional.  It still doesn’t make it any less terrible.  For those that don’t know who Desiree Gould is, she played Angela Baker’s aunt in the first Sleepaway Camp movie.  And she annoyed the hell out of me for the time she was on screen.  Winner winner, chicken dinner.  You have just won Worst Actress.

Finally we have gotten to the big awards, best and worst movies.  I’ll start with the worst this time so that we change things up a bit.  The worst movie nominees are: Halloween 6, Rob Zombie’s Halloween 2, Leprechaun, Leprechaun 4: In Space, and the 2010 remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street.  How did that get in the running?  Pointlessness.  There can only be one winner though, and if you couldn’t tell already, the Worst Picture of the Horror-Like Movie Marathon is and will forever be Cruel World.  Never should have been made.

This is what you’ve been waiting for.  Which movie in the Horror-Like Movie Marathon was the best?  Of course, this is half personal taste, half actual quality, as all of the awards have been thus far.  Let’s see the nominees.  Halloween (1978).  The Haunting (1963).  House of Wax (1953).  Trick ‘R Treat.  The winner?  Rosemary’s Baby.  This movie came out of nowhere for me.  From the first second I was hooked and it had me all the way through.  Sure, I had a problem with some facial hair, but that only added to the tension for me.  It all peaked and...I’m obviously not going to ruin a horror movie that I think everyone should see.  Why would I do that?

Since this is already long...I’m going to run through the winners in list form.

Best Death:  Piranha 3-D.  The whole film got the award.
Best Actor: Vincent Price for House of Wax.
Worst Actor: Edward Furlong for Cruel World.
Best Actress: Mia Farrow for Rosemary’s Baby.
Worst Actress: Desiree Gould for Sleepaway Camp.
Worst Picture: Cruel World.
Best Picture: Rosemary’s Baby.

These are the final batch of winners.  Some might be losers.  That brings us to the end of the Horror-Like Movie Marathon.  It was a solid month for both good and bad movies of the genre.  If you agree or disagree with any of my choices, feel free to not tell me because I don’t care.  They’re my choices.

Come back at the end of November when we go through this again with the Mustache Marathon.  All of the movies in that upcoming marathon are listed in the Mustache Marathon blog entry.  It is looking to be a fun marathon.  I hope you join me for the wrap up when that happens.  See you then.  Or sooner because there are other entries that go up.


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