Work Stories: Episode 33: Little Black SUVs

Previously on Work Stories, I told you about the time when I build lamps at work.  I didn’t have any pictures and I got a complaint about that.  I’m sorry that I didn’t take pictures five years ago when I didn’t know that I would be blogging about my work experiences, or even blogging at all.  It was a missed opportunity.

This week I’ll continue the Work Stories with something a little bit more entertaining than building lamps.  That one did not come out into writing the way I would have liked it.  So I’m going to try and do better to make myself feel better about what I’m writing.  What is the story going to be?  You’ll find out soon enough.  You just need to keep with the reading and you’ll learn what I’m writing about.

You already know that I currently work at a museum in the tourist area of where I live.  That should be common knowledge to you by now.  I’ve discussed many things that I’ve witnessed while working at the museum.  Today’s story will be no different.  It’s something I witnessed while I was there.

One day I was doing my cashier job when a long line of black SUVs pulled up and blocked the street.  People began getting out of the vehicles and walking up and down the street.  Then they all came inside with passes that they bought at another attraction.  Along with them were a few federal police officers.

What was going on?  Neither I nor my coworker knew who these people were, but we knew that it was somebody important.  Why else would there be so many black SUVs?  Why else would there be police officers chaperoning them?  It had to be somebody important.  It was the only thing that would make sense.

About half an hour after everybody went in, one of the police officers came and said they needed to make sure everyone was out of the museum because one of the people was a foreign dignitary.  That was one clue to helping us figure out who these people were.  There was a foreign dignitary.

Soon after they left, someone who worked across the street came over to ask us who the people that had come inside were.  We didn’t have an answer outside of the fact that a foreign dignitary was inside.  We didn’t specifically know who the people were, but we knew they were big in Mexico.  Yes, they were Mexican.  I didn’t mention that before, but I’m mentioning it now.

The next part, I’m not sure how true it is.  I don’t know how much I believe of this person’s words.  He could be telling the truth or he could think he’s telling the truth.  Either way, the guy who worked at the attraction where the passes were bought came down to tell us who the people were.  According to him, the Mexican president was among the large group of people who had come through our museum.  That explained why there was such a large group and why the federal police were among them.

So the Mexican president went through our museum.  That’s neat.  That’s also the end of this week’s Work Story.  I have nothing else to say on that one.  It was an interesting thing that happened at work.  What else is there to say?  Not a lot really.  Nothing at all, in fact.  I’ll be here next week with another Work Story for y’all.

Until then, that’s some bad hat, Harry.


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