Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 9: I, Eye Guy

Apparently, Netflix has some of the episodes of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers out of order, so the eighth episode will be the sixteenth post.  I’m not sure why that happened.  I have not looked into it.  I didn’t even know until just now when I was looking up the name of the episode I watched.  That means I’m watching them slightly out of order because Netflix made me.  Anyway, onto the writing about the episode.

Season 1, Episode 9: I, Eye Guy
The episode starts with Billy helping a kid with his virtual reality system.  They show it off to Jason, Kimberly, Trini, and Zack.  All of them like it and support the kid when he is in a science fair.  Things go wrong when Bulk and Skull show up and ruin the fair.  The kid, I just remembered that his name is Willy, gets disqualified.

Don’t worry, though.  Someone recognized the intelligence potential of Willy.  That someone is Rita Repulsa, who sends down a monster made of eyes to kidnap Willy.  The Power Rangers must team up to save Willy and defeat Eye Guy.  Spoiler: they do all of that.

When they take Willy back to the science fair, the guy in charge said that he made a mistake and Willy isn’t disqualified.  In fact, Willy wins first prize.  The end.

There are two great things about this episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  From the description I just gave, you probably wouldn’t be able to figure out what either of these things are.  They are two completely different aspects of the episode that help to make this one of the more enjoyable episodes of the series thus far.

The first component of the episode that I would like to give some praise to is the story itself.  There are two main parts to a story in a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers episode.  The first is the Angel Grove storyline, and the second is the monster storyline.  In this episode, the two storylines come together to make one whole story that doesn’t feel like two separate parts.  The monster story has some Angel Grove consequences, and the Angel Grove story is what causes the monster story to occur.  Instead of being two separate parts, there is only one thread to the story.  The story is continuous.  I really appreciate when the stories rely on each other in that way.

The other component that deserves praise is Eye Guy.  Sure, some of the special effects are terrible.  Anyone who said that would not get an argument out of me.  However, the costume was really well done.  This was a monster that could be frightening.  That really helps to build the urgency and instinctual fear of the situation.  The monsters should be a threatening presence.  Eye Guy is menacing.  The job was well done by the conceptual artist and the wardrobe department.  Also, yes, I know that this isn’t me praising Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  It’s me praising the Super Sentai series that it is based on.  I know that.  It doesn’t make my appreciation any less appropriate.  It was a good job.

There isn’t too much more that I have to say about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers this time around.  It’s time for me to watch another episode.  See you next time.


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