Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 20: Green with Evil, Part IV: Eclipsing Megazord

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers has been doing well with the Green with Evil five part arc.  Not only has it shown a growth in writing, but it has given twists and turns that shock the audience in ways that it hadn’t previously done.  The fourth episode in the arc only goes to further this fact.

There is an overwhelming dark and dire feeling to the arc that is interesting to see infused into Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  From the loss of Zordon in the first episode of the arc to the loss of the zords in this fourth episode, there have been many obstacles in the way of the Power Rangers succeeding.  Earth is in serious need of a savior and the Power Rangers have yet to find a way to defeat Rita Repulsa.  It’s only a matter of time before Rita destroys the planet that she set out to end in the first episode of the series.

The fourth episode of Green with Evil only helps to solidify how bad things have gotten on Earth.  The Power Rangers end up being in their lowest place, mentally, ever.  The episode ends with the gang at a loss for everything.  They lost their advantage, they lost a friend, and they’ve lost their hope.  I’ll explain why.

Season 1, Episode 20: Green with Evil, Part IV: Eclipsing Megazord

Upon seeing Goldar attacking Angel Grove, the Rangers suit up and zord up.  They make the Megazord and begin their battle for the safety of Earth.  Rita Repulsa planned for this to happen and sends Scorpina to Earth to help in the fighting.  It is the Megazord versus both Goldar and Scorpina.

Meanwhile, the Green Ranger once again breaks into the command center (I finally got the name right) and rids the Power Rangers of Zordon again.  Alpha 5 manages to trap the Green Ranger in a forcefield, but the Green Ranger escapes when he is summoned by Rita Repulsa’s magic.  Don’t worry, though.  The forcefield was able to analyze the Green Ranger and figure out his identity.

The Green Ranger ends up on the battlefield with Scorpina, Goldar, and the Power Rangers.  Now it is three against one.  When an eclipse occurs, the Megazord begins to lose power and is defeated.  The Power Rangers escape the machine in time to see it get thrown into a crack in the Earth’s crust.  The zords are no more.

The Power Rangers flee to the command center defeated and hopeless.  They want to give up.  Alpha 5 tells them they can’t, then reveals to them that the Green Ranger is their friend, Tommy Oliver.  The “to be continued” screen appears as the Power Rangers are given the smallest amount of hope.

As I said, it ends in a fairly dark place.  The Power Rangers are lost, hopeless, and disillusioned.  The only glimmer of hope that they have now is that they know the identity of the Green Ranger.  Even then, it’s someone who is evenly matched with Jason and Jason is the best martial artist in Angel Grove.  How can they possibly defeat the Green Ranger, when the Green Ranger has Rita’s powers to help him out?

There’s still one more episode in the Green with Evil arc.  That episode should bring this story to a close.  It’s going to be a tough battle for the Power Rangers.  They will need to find a way to defeat Rita and her minions without the use of their zords.  How will they do it?  I’m not quite sure.  I don’t remember the ending that I watched almost twenty years ago.  That was a long time ago.  I don’t remember too much about when I was a young child.  I’m worried about what might happen to Angel Grove.  I’ll find out when I watch the next episode, and you’ll find out when I write about it.  I’ll be back soon with the conclusion to the Green with Evil arc of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  See you then.


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