Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 18: Green with Evil, Part II: Jason's Battle

The last episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that I watched ended on a down beat.  Everything had gone to a bad place for the Power Rangers.  Nothing was working out for them.  First, the headquarters was attacked.  Alpha 5 was given a virus and Zordon was disconnected from this dimension.  Then when the Power Rangers tried to stop Goldar, they were defeated by the newly introduced Green Ranger.  The episode ended with the team hopeless.

It was the first part of a five episode arc.  This is the first time in the history of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers that a storyline has been carried through multiple episodes.  Usually the story gets tied up by the end of the episode and there are no consequences and repercussions throughout the series.  This time, however, there is weight to the storyline that will forever change Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Season 1, Episode 18: Green with Evil, Part II: Jason’s Battle

The episode starts at the headquarters.  The Power Rangers are still dealing with the loss they took in the previous episode.  They don’t know who this Green Ranger is, but the need to find a way to stop him.  Billy and Trini are trying to get Alpha 5 back to normal, and trying to regain communication with Zordon.  The more allies they have, the better chance they have to defeat Rita Repulsa and her Green Ranger.

At school, Kimberly confronts Tommy and Tommy is totally a dick to her.  He insults her, calling her self-centered.  She claims that it is as though Tommy has become a completely different person.

Rita’s plan for this episode is to use the Green Ranger to abduct Jason.  She sends some putties after Tommy and once he fights them off, she gives him the Sword of Darkness.  This sword can shoot lasers from it.  At school, Tommy uses his power coin to trap Jason in another dimension.  Tommy then fights the rest of the Power Rangers using his new sword.

Jason is trapped in another dimension with Goldar.  He is unable to morph or contact the other Power Rangers.  Instead, he can only fight Goldar one on one and hope to survive.  The episode ends with the fight, and Goldar about to finish it by hitting Jason with his sword.

That might not be the best description of the episode, but there was a lot going on.  I even skipped some of the stuff.  There is a lot of material being packed into this story arc and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers introduces Tommy Oliver as a new main character.  He’s even in the opening credits now.

So far, the story arc is strong.  For a Mighty Morphin Power Rangers story arc, that is.  It has a weight to it that none of the other episodes have had before this.  The team will be changed forever by the events occurring in this story.  It’s not even half way done yet, so I should get onto the next episode.  Where will this story go?  Well, I know that, but I don’t know the journey.  It’s all about the journey.


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