Work Stories: Episode 13: I'm Batman

Previously on Work Stories, I told a tale of a kid that went for a ride down a hill and almost right into traffic.  Things like this happening bother me, which is why I shall tell a fluffier story today instead.  There isn’t much meat to this one.  It’s basically in three parts, all disconnected, but all about the same thing.  How about that?

This is the second week in a row that my work story comes from working in the museum that I currently work at.  It is located right on one of the main tourism streets in the city, so I see a lot of odd things.  This is no different.  All three parts were odd, and all were related by the person I saw.

Part 1.  I’m sitting behind the cash register on a calm summer night when I see an orange car pull up and park across the street.  It was a Ferrari.  The man driving it, who I couldn’t quite make out (this becomes important later), gets out of the car.  He puts a sign on the door and begins to charge people to take pictures in his car.  This is a kind of entrepreneurship that I don’t understand.  He was making money, but why were people paying to take a picture in his Ferrari?  The reasoning might come up in part 2, but at the time I was unclear as to why they were agreeing to do this.  I pointed it out to a coworker who laughed.

Part 2.  Walking to the parking lot at the end of the night, I saw the orange car coming down the street.  My first thought was “What is this guy doing still hanging around here?  Doesn’t he have better things to do?”  Then I saw it.  This was not a normal guy.  This was not the right car for him to have.  Why would I say both of these statements?  I’ll tell you why.  The man in the driver’s seat of the orange Ferrari was wearing a Batman costume.  Batman was driving the orange Ferrari.  This is something you wouldn’t normally see.  I have seen it.

Part 3.  I went to work the next day and the coworker I had been working with was working with me again.  She told me about what she had done after work.  While driving home, she had seen the orange Ferrari again.  Batman was still driving it around the city.  But there was one more thing added to the whole situation.  She had seen two women in the passenger seat of the Ferrari.  The two women were making out while Batman drove through the city.  What an amazing thing.

So, as you can see, things sometimes get a little odd when working in the tourism industry.  You see things that you would never see otherwise.  People are strange.

That’s it for this week’s Work Story.  It’s just something I saw that I thought was an interesting thing to see.  I hope you enjoyed it.  Until next time, Batman has no limits.


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