JurassicGriffin Presents: Movie Talk on Sunday: Take 3

Sorry for the delay, ladies and gentlemen.  I’ve had some issues with time over the past week or so due to work.  I’ll also be the first to admit that I recently got addicted to The West Wing, which has consumed a lot of my free time.  Now I need to get the Movie Talk on Sunday train rolling for this week.  It’s my job.  I picked this as my time to host.  I must do by duty and give you guys some questions.  But first, I’m going to go into the background of Movie Talk on Sunday, like I usually do.

The history can be found HERE or HERE or maybe HERE.  It will basically talk about how a man who goes by @raghavmodi wanted to make a movie talk, much like a travel talk he was doing at the time and might still be doing right now.  He teamed up with @askimrach.  The two of them created Movie Talk on Sunday, an event on Sunday where people discuss movies for an hour and a half.  It’s had its ups and downs over the time that this has been going on.  But #MTOS, as it is called on Twitter, has persevered.  It has outplayed, outwitted, and outlasted some other, similar, events.

#MTOS is run like this.  On Sundays, at 8pm GMT ten questions will begin showing up on Twitter.  One will happen every ten minutes.  This means that the final question should go up at 9:30pm GMT.  I believe these times are right.  If not, I’ll be told otherwise.  There is a different host every week, and a different topic within the topic of movies.  It keeps things everchanging and fresh.

This week, I am hosting #MTOS.  (Use that hashtag in any responses to my questions so that people can easily find your answers.)  The topic is the Academy Awards or Oscars, as some people call them.  I was told this was a popular request.  I hope my questions live up to your expectations.

Now, before I get to the questions, I’d just like to add this little bit.  Movie Talk on Sunday is meant to create respectful discussion between movie lovers.  Be kind to others.  No insults or harsh language, please.  We all love movies.  There is no need for fighting.

I hope that my questions are up to your high standards.  They are not specific to this year’s Oscars, but rather the show in general.  I tried to make some good questions that will get you thinking.  Let’s hope it worked.  Let’s also hope I’m not repeating questions from any previous #MTOS weeks.  Here they are.

1.            What is your first memory of the Academy Awards?
2.            What do the Academy Awards mean to you?
3.            What makes the Academy Awards the most important film awards show?
4.            Do the rules and regulations of the Oscars prevent a true assessment of the best in film?
5.            How well do the Oscars align with your taste in movies?
6.            What causes a movie to be considered “Oscar bait?”
7.            Why do people care more about acting/directing awards than technical categories like effects and costumes?
8.            Should acting and direction have a flexible number of nominees like Best Picture does?
9.            Would you be against a year where the Academy Awards didn’t have a host?
10.          If you could choose a man’s name to replace the name Oscar, what would it be?

This was me narrowing down to ten questions from a pool of about twenty-five.  I had a lot of questions on the topic.  I thought these were some of the best to think about.  I hope you guys agree.

Remember, the questions go up on Sunday.  Now it’s up to you guys.  You have to answer the questions and breed discussion about movies through Twitter.  And don’t forget to use the hashtag #MTOS.

This is @JurassicGriffin wishing you a happy Movie Talk on Sunday.


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