Work Stories: Episode 11: Parking Lot Woes

Previously on Work Stories, I told you about that time when I was goofing off while working at a concert and a guy pointed a spotlight at a man that he thought was a woman.  That was a good time.  Now I’m here to take you down from that high and give you a story that is not nearly as fun.  That’s because this is episode eleven.  A prime number deserves a not so great story, right?  Right?

What story could I give you that isn’t a great story from me?  I’ve got it!  I’m going to give you a second hand story from one of the front desk workers at the hotel I worked at.  That sounds like a good idea to me.  You will love this story.  Or you won’t.  That doesn’t matter at all though because I’m going to write it down anyway for all to see.

Let me set this up first.  You know how I’ve said that I was normally the parking lot attendant at this hotel?  Or maybe I said I frequently worked in the parking lot.  Either way, there’s a parking lot at the hotel, just like at any other hotel.  This parking lot was for people staying in the hotel and for people who wanted to pay for some parking so they could go around the city.  The staff of the hotel also got to park there when they came in for their shifts.  Not me though, I rode a bike.  But this story isn’t about me.

The girl who worked the front desk did drive to work, however.   Her shift on this day happened to be an evening shift.  That is, if I am remembering correctly.  If I’m not, that’s going to make this story even funnier than I am remembering it.  That might make it the slightest bit funny to you people who are reading this right now.  The evening shift lasts from 4pm to midnight.  That’s the eight hour evening shift for those front desk people.  I was never at work that late.  Okay, I was once or twice, but those are different stories for different times.

At midnight, this girl (whose name is slipping me right now, but doesn’t matter at all) left work after her shift as the front desk person.  She walked out of the hotel and into the parking lot.  She ascended the stairs to the higher level, which is the one I wasn’t watching over at that point because I was at home and likely asleep.  She went to her car and got in the driver’s seat.  She looked for her keys, then looked up at the hotel.

Directly in front of her, through a window with open curtains, she could see two people going at it like rabbits in heat.  That’s right.  These two people had decided to have sex with their curtains open, and their room was directly on the parking lot.  Like I said, this is even more amusing if she was working the day shift and saw this at 4pm.  What if a kid saw that?  Talk about traumatizing to anyone who witnessed that while trying to get in or out of a car.

So that’s this week’s episode of Work Stories.  This is a second-hand tale of exhibitionism.  It’s a tale of shock and terror, much like Birdemic, only without the exploding birds.  I hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as I enjoyed writing about it.  It didn’t happen to me, but it happened to a coworker who happened to tell me about it.

Next week on Work Stories...I don’t know what next week’s story is going to be.  Until then, check under your bed for monsters because you never know when one might eat your toes.


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