The Racked Focus Review: Magic Mike (2012)

Magic Mike is one of those movies that some people really enjoy and others do not.  Maxwell Haddad wrote a review for the movie in which he said he liked some aspects and did not like others.  This was on June 29, 2012.  The review can be found at TheRacked Focus.  Now, I am not reviewing the movie.  I am reviewing Max’s review.  Let’s get to it, shall we?

The review of Magic Mike that I found was a compelling read.  It took me about five minutes, and I’m not the fastest reader.  All five minutes, I was enthralled.  There was never a dull moment.  I wanted to know everything that Max had to say about the movie.  If there is one thing that can always be praised about a Maxwell Haddad review, it is that the review keeps itself interesting throughout its duration.  Each word resonates to create a delightful experience.  This is what I have come to love about reading Maxwell’s work.

The Magic Mike review was relatively straight forward.  It was a general overview of the film without getting into the plot description.  Rather, it was Max’s thoughts upon the strengths and weaknesses of the film, primarily within the tonal disjointedness of it.  There was a flow to the review that I have yet to properly hammer out myself.  It was a stream of consciousness with one thought rolling naturally into another.  Everything within the review locked into place.  There were no transitions that felt jarring.  The review kept its course like a person floating down a calm river on an inner tube.

The only real stumbling points within Mr. Haddad’s review of Magic Mike came in the form of simplistic grammar or punctuation errors.  A question mark replaced by a period, some words reversed within the sentence, that sort of thing.  This is, by no means, a major issue when it comes to the review.  What truly matters is the substance, how all of the points come together, and a clear direction in which the review is ultimately headed.  This review had all of those things.  They make up for a few minor mistakes in the word to word aspect of the review.  It is similar to a package of Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups having one cup with an extra paper holder on it.  The food still tastes just as delicious.  This review might have some minor errors but it is still as good as any review, if not better.

I know I have not said many meaningful things through my review of Max’s review of Magic Mike.  There is not much to say about the review.  It is a good review that was an enjoyable read.  That would be about all that I could say about it.  It was and is an enjoyable review.  Max should keep on doing what he is doing because it works.

Maxwell Haddad’s review of Magic Mike gets a four and a half inch penis out of a possible five inch penis.


  1. Good review. I had a great time with this flick because I loved the style that Soderbergh gave off, the energy that he had with the stripping scenes, and the story that actually took me. Also, the performances weren't too shabby, either.


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