What's that fishy smell?

I am a fan of films of all types.  I like the “classics”.  I like sci-fi.  I like horror.  I like drama.  I also like comedy, whether it be smart comedy or low brow humour.  The Slammin’ Salmon is the low-brow type of humour that I just eat up every once in a while.

Directed by Kevin Heffernan, The Slammin’ Salmon is another Broken Lizard film with the same sort of comedy as expected through Super Troopers, Club Dread, and Beerfest.  The Slammin’ Salmon is about a restaurant with crazy staff people who must earn $20,000 in one night.  It stars the usual Broken Lizard ensemble, as well as Will Forte, Cobie Smulders, Michael Clark Duncan, and April Bowlby.

I don’t have much to say about the movie.  I just liked it, I guess.  I found it funny, though it was going for the lowest comedy it could go for.  The acting, for what the film wanted, was good.  The characters were decent, although they were caricatures rather than deep.  I just found that all around it was entertaining.  It wasn’t a waste of an hour and a half of my time.

I have nothing else to say so I guess I’ll get to the ending.  I’d recommend the film to people who like lower brow humour.  No, it’s not smart in what it does.  The smartest it gets is a man reading War and Peace.  Once again, my Flickchart may not say much about this, but Slammin’ Salmon is ranked 386, between Back to the Future 3 and Harold and Kumar 2.


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