Enough Is Enough

There are times where you just need to take a step back from what is going on around you and say “That’s enough.”  I feel like this is one of those times.  It has nothing to do with anyone reading this.  It has to do with one of the other people living in this house.  He’s watching Inception again.

Now, I know what some of you will say.  Inception is a good movie.  I agree with that.  It is perhaps one of the best films of the past few years.  It is perhaps a film that will shape the next generation of filmmakers.  I don’t disagree with any of that.  My problem is the frequency that this housemate watches Inception.  This is the second time this week.  He’s also seen it a good six times in the two months we’ve been here.  And that’s of what I noticed.

When have you seen a movie too much?  I’d like to put that question out there.  Yes, I have movies that I love just as much as he loves Inception.  Do I watch them as frequently?  No, I don’t believe I do.  I love Zombieland.  The way the actors play off of each other and the atmosphere of the movie just makes it fun and I can keep myself amused no matter how many times I see the movie.  But I don’t feel the need to watch it every week or two, let alone twice in a week.

I feel like I need to get an intervention going so that we can wean this guy off of Inception.  But he’s a smart guy.  He’ll notice something’s up when there are four people standing in the room with a giant banner that says intervention.  I could take away the television, since it is mine.  But then I’ll have nowhere to watch my Blu-Rays and he’ll just watch Inception on his computer.  It’s really a no win situation.

This is nothing against Inception.  I like the movie.  There’s just a limit on how much I can see a movie in a given amount of time.  Sorry for the rant.  I just had to let it out.


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