Cause for Concern

Sometimes society decides to go too far in protecting children from the bad of the world.  This could be replacing words in books because the original insert is deemed too racy for modern society.  This could be the replacement of the word mankind with humankind in order to show equality between the genders.  Any way that you look at it, it is all political correctness and it is causing a lot of things to break down in social awareness.

I recently watched a movie that partially takes on the issue of political correctness.  The movie was called PCU.  It starred Jeremy Piven.  The movie was about a university where everyone had a cause.  A high school senior is visiting the university and takes residence in a house where all of the people are anti-cause, which in itself could be seen as a cause.

There isn’t much to say about the film.  Jeremy Piven is playing the same role he has played in many films and tv shows.  It’s basically a less successful, less vulgar Ari Gold.  But he plays the part well.  Piven is able to show the leadership qualities required for the character he’s playing.

There were a few solid performances by John Favreau, David Spade, and Jake Busey.  Whatever happened to Jake Busey?  He was in a bunch of stuff including Starship Troopers, Contact, and Identity, but then he pretty much dropped off the face of the Earth.  I want to see him back.  Gary Busey sort of made a crazy comeback type of thing, appearing as a crazy Gary Busey in a bunch of stuff.  Why can’t Jake Busey continue to pop up in odd roles?

I went into this movie not really invested in the beginning.  It seemed to be trying too hard in the beginning to make a point.  I decided that to enjoy the movie I should be paying more attention to the characters and situations than the point it was making about having some sort of cause to preach.  Once I did that, I became more invested.  By the end, I wanted to stay with the characters and see more of the fun antics that happened with them.

I wouldn’t completely recommend this film.  I’m not sure who would like this movie.  Maybe if you are nostalgic of the 90s or like anyone that’s in it.  Oh yeah, Jessica Walter is in it.  That’s Lucille Bluth.  PCU ended up at 1194 on my Flickchart, beneath Halloween 6, above Storm of the Century. seems like both PCU and Halloween 6 should be a bit higher.


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