Not About Sheen

There has been a lot that has happened since my last blog entry.  It may or may not involve Charlie Sheen, Community getting renewed for another season (Excited is me!), or my trip to the movies to see Battle: LA.  I don’t feel like discussing any of it.  For that reason, I am going to talk about silly putty.

Silly Putty, for those that don’t know, is a children’s toy which is a lot like play-doh.  From what I can remember, it comes in an egg shaped plastic.  Or was it peanut shaped?  It came in one and the knock off came in the other.  But the knock off was never as good.  When you opened the plastic container, there was a weird malleable solid object that you could move into any shape you so desired.  You could make a witch’s nose or the Eiffel Tower.

When the silly putty was rolled into a ball, you could bounce it off the ground.  Bouncy, bouncy.  You’ve be having fun for hours with your little child’s mind.  I still retain that part of me that would be amused by a bouncing ball of stuff.  Toss it down.  It hits the ground.  It goes back up.  Now you’re in love.  That’s how it worked.  You fell in love with the bouncing.

Though that is not the most amusing part of silly putty.  The real silly putty would be able to replicate newspapers.  You could stretch it out, flatten it onto a newspaper, then pull it off to see the newspaper now on the silly putty.  It was like magic!  This was something that would never get old when you did it.

I haven’t had silly putty for a long time.  I wish I did.  It would be something to fill my mind with amusement because I will forever be amused by the smaller things in life.  For now, I have to deal with playing with sticky tack that I played with while eating cheetos.  This means that not only does it not have the same awesomeness of silly putty, but it smells like old rotten cheese.  It just isn’t the same.

Do you have memories of great childhood simpleness?


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