Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy

Acting is one of the most important parts of film, television, and theatre.  If there were no actors there would only be documentaries.  Documentaries aren’t bad but there needs to be fictional work in order to balance out the gritty reality of the everyday world.  This is where actors come in.  They embody the characters that we love.  Today, I take a look at one of the actors to have influenced many, many lives.  This actor is Tommy Wiseau.

Tommy Wiseau has been featured in two films: The Room, and The House That Drips Blood on Alex.  He directed the first of the two, which has gone on to become a popular cult classic.  The Room is about a group of people and their relationship problems.  Tommy Wiseau plays Johnny, a bank worker that owns an apartment and lives with his girlfriend and fiancé Lisa.  Danny, Tommy’s surrogate son, also lives in the apartment building, as does Johnny’s best friend Mark.  Lisa begins to cheat on Johnny with Mark and all hell breaks loose.

The reason The Room has become a cult classic is because of how bad it is.  From the acting to the greenscreen, the dialogue to the plot, the film cannot hold itself together.  Tommy Wiseau was writer, director, producer, and lead actor in the movie.  His acting is possibly the worst of the entire film because of his bad accent, his poor facial expressions, and his overacting.


Tommy Wiseau had become a cult icon in the time since he released the room.  But he did not get another acting job for about six years or so when he was cast in the short film The House That Drips Blood on Alex.  The short film was filled with the bad acting and lines that Tommy Wiseau was known for.  Alex buys a house and it drips blood on him.  He investigates the mysterious dripping to determine why his house is dripping blood on him.  This leads to great lines including “There’s no such thing as a shit house, Thomas” that stick with me.  The film is about fifteen minutes long and can be found online for those that care to see it.

Tommy Wiseau.  A man who needs no introduction but should have one anyway.  He’s changed my life through film and I hope he can change yours.


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