Things I Learned From Movies 2

It’s time again for me to semi-preach something that I learned from a movie.  This time I’m going with a movie that I recently watched called 127 Hours.  You probably know I’ve seen it by now.  What I learned comes from something said early in the movie and comes to be almost the point of the movie.

When the main character, Aron Ralston is travelling, he meets up with a couple of girls.  He takes them on a quick adventure before the main substance of the film begins.  During this encounter he utters the following line:  All you’ve got to remember is that everything will be okay.  He’s right, in a way, that Aron Ralston guy.

Sure, not everything will be okay.  You could be decapitated.  That’s not okay.  But look on the bright side, modern guillotines are less faulty.  If you get decapitated by the French parliament it will likely be quick and virtually painless.  That’s a good thing.

I like to take this lesson slightly differently than you may read from it.  Everything will be okay with perseverance.  You need that last part.  If you can make it over the hump, anything can be good again.  Bad things happen to good people all the time and it gets their emotions down but if they work hard to improve the situation they can feel better.  If you lose a loved one to cancer do you go and jump off of a bridge and die?  No you don’t.  What you do is mourn for a bit and then move on with your life.  After a while you feel better.  Everything is okay again, even with the feelings of losing a family member.

When you are feeling bad you just have to remember Aron Ralston’s words at that moment.  Remember that everything will be okay.  That’s how it worked out for him.  In the end, everything was okay.  There were just compromises that had to be made.

I know I didn’t give the greatest examples of the lesson this week.  It’s because the lesson seemed pretty straight forward.  Also, I can’t throw out the disease as an example then go to something like a failed test.  That’s just anticlimactic.


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