Fee Fi Fo Fum

Today I’m going to highlight one of my many weird dreams that I’ve had.  I’m leaving it here for everyone to see.  Judge me how you may.  I just want to let you all know me a little bit more by sharing something that has taken over my mind while I slept.

I was a child when I had this dream.  Not once, but it was a recurring dream.  It has haunted me for a long time because I was only a child when I had the dream.  Of course this one would freak me out when I was little.  It’s just something that would happen with this kind of thing.

The dream was Jack and the Beanstalk.  I was Jack.  What happened?  Don’t you know the story?  I climbed a beanstalk and ended up in a giant’s castle.  The giant wanted to use my bones in or on his bread.  Either way, the bread would have my bones and he would eat them.  That’s what scared me the most.  A giant was trying to find me to eat me.  And to get my bones, he’d probably have me suffering in excruciating pain.  I didn’t want to go through that.

Maybe I should have started at the beginning.  I was in a fenced off area with a friend.  In the middle of this area was a brick block with something in it.  I think it was like a large building’s power generator runoff or something.  It doesn’t even really matter anyway.  I could be blowing smoke out of my ass with that assumption.  Anyway, there was a beanstalk.  Somehow my friend disappeared and the only way for me to get out of here was up the beanstalk, so I climbed.  That’s weird for me.  I’m afraid of heights.

I ended up in the castle of a giant.  And this is when I got scared.  I hid under a table as the giant tried to find me to eat me.  Like any dream, this felt real.  I feared for my life.  My parents were nowhere to be found.  My friend had ditched me.  He must have known what was going to happen.  I had to get out of there.

Then I woke up.  Lucky me, I could escape that easily.  The next time I had that dream, the same thing happened again.  By the third time, I realized something was up.  I had been here before.  Before I even climbed the beanstalk I managed to wake myself up.  This is something I haven’t done too often since.  I can’t control my dreams, but I’m not going to let them control me!

Anyway, yeah.  That was one of the dreams I’ve had that I remember.  It’s been a part of me since I was little.  It has helped to shape who I am.  Do you have any dreams that have helped to make you who you are today?


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