The Kids Are All Right

Making my way through the Academy Awards Best Picture nominees this year, it was only a matter of time before I came across The Kids Are All Right.  This movie is about a family consisting of two moms, a son, and a daughter, and what happens to the family when the children meet their biological father.  It stars Julianne Moore, Annette Bening, Mark Ruffalo, Josh Hutcherson, and Mia Wasikowska.

I don’t want to go into the entire plot of the film.  I just don’t like that type of thing.  Talking about a film should not involve reiterating everything that happened.  I will say that most of the acting was solid.  There was a scene with Mark Ruffalo near the end that I thought he was a bit off of the normal game he brings.  Other than that, I liked all of the acting within the film.  It made it more enjoyable.

What I didn’t enjoy was the comedy.  Where was it?  Can you explain that, Golden Globe people?  This movie clearly isn’t a comedy.  How did it win best picture, comedy or musical?  Huh?

The one thing I really want to discuss is Josh Hutcherson.  This is the first time I’ve seen him in something where I can imagine him being more than a child star.  I think he has a future in movies.  But he’s going to have an uphill battle with Journey 2 coming out.  If he can get out of solely family oriented films like Journey to the Center of the Earth, Bridge to Tarabithia, and Zathura, he could really do well.  I don’t want to see him stuck at a standstill because of these films.  I’d like to see him get some tougher parts that he could sink his teeth into because it looks like he has the potential to do so.  That’s my opinion at least.

All in all, this was not my favourite film of the year.  It’s good but does not compete with Black Swan, The Social Network, or Inception.  On my flickchart, The Kids Are All Right is now ranked one beneath 2012, and one above The Final Destination.  I feel it’s unjustly closer to the bottom, but I did like 2012 more...

Don’t judge me for that.  I like cheesy movies, okay?


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