Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 25: A Different Shade of Pink, Part III

Previously in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Katherine told everyone her tale of being forced to do evil things. Garbage Mouth was sent down to Earth to capture Katherine so that Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd could get their revenge. The Power Rangers didn’t let that happen, though, and kept her safe. They also visited Kimberly while the doctors tended to her in the hospital.

Now the finale of A Different Shade of Pink is upon us. The Power Rangers will face the newest change in their lineup as Kimberly leaves and Katherine joins. Bulk and Skull will find out that Gunther Schmidt isn’t the spy they’ve been trying to catch. Kimberly will go to the Pan Global Games. And the bad guys’ evil plan will be foiled once again. There’s no doubt that all this will happen in…
Season 3, Episode 25: A Different Shade of Pink, Part III
The Power Rangers were in the Command Centre asking for help from Zordon. They didn’t want to give up Katherine, but they also didn’t want to lose Ninjor to the Sea of Sorrow. Zordon said he couldn’t help them. They would have to come up with their own plan to outsmart Rita and Zedd. Their plan was that they would use Kat as bait, then put a protective forcefield around her and snag Ninjor away from the villains. The plan didn’t work. The bad guys didn’t bring Ninjor to the meeting and they broke Billy’s forcefield and took Kat away.

Everyone regrouped at the Command Centre to try and figure out what to do. Kat was stuck in a dungeon on the moon. She tricked her guard, Rito Revolto, and stole his key to her cell when she massaged him to sleep. She escaped and took the pink Power Coin that was sitting in a chest in the dungeon. Rita tried to get it back, but the Power Rangers were too quick and teleported Kat back to the Command Centre. That was her introduction to Zordon and Alpha.

The whole time that this was going on, Kimberly was still at the hospital. She was unsure of herself and her gymnastics abilities after taking the tumble in her exhaustion. Before going to the moon, Katherine told her about her time as a Pan Global Games competitor. She was in line for a gold in diving but misjudged her jump. She hit her head on the diving board and had been afraid of the water ever since. When she got back from the moon, she showed her bravery to Kimberly by diving off the high dive at a local pool, which inspired Kimberly to pursue her gymnastics dreams.

Well, it didn’t completely inspire Kimberly to go to Florida to train for the Pan Global Games. She still had her reservations about leaving her friends and the Power Rangers team. Kimberly went to the Command Centre to say she was staying. Her friends were shocked and told her she had to go. They would support her either way, but gymnastics was her dream. She agreed and got Alpha to bring Kat to the Command Centre. She handed over her Power Coin. Everyone welcomed Kat to the team. Kimberly went off to her training.

There was one fight in the episode, which was when Kat was kidnapped. It was a hand-to-hand fight where the Power Rangers were in their ninja forms. Rita came to Earth with Goldar, Rito, and some Tenga Warriors. The main takeaway from the fight was that the Tengas did something intelligent for once. One of the Tengas picked up the device that Billy was using to protect Kat. It destroyed the device, which took the forcefield away. Rito was able to take Kat and teleport her up to the moon. The Power Rangers couldn’t do much because they were overwhelmed by the villains.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers concluded A Different Shade of Pink and the entire storyline about transitioning the Pink Ranger powers with a semi-emotional episode. Kimberly’s desire to perform gymnastics was gone. Her fire was reignited by a new friend, who she would give her power to. Everyone said their goodbyes to a Power Ranger who had been around since the beginning of the series. Even the show had a heartfelt goodbye by making the end credits about Kimberly training, rather than Bulk and Skull goofing off in an outtake.

Speaking of Bulk and Skull, their storyline wasn’t included in A Different Shade of Pink, Part III. It had concluded with their running away from the Tenga Warriors in the previous episode. It was a strange drop of a storyline, since there was no resolution to them thinking that Gunther Schmidt was a spy. At no point did they confront him. The audience was never given a moment where Bulk and Skull found out that he wasn’t a spy. They ran away from a fight and the storyline never came up again.

Another strange thing was Ninjor. Rita told the Power Rangers that she would trade Ninjor for Kat. She didn’t, of course. She double crossed them like the villain that she was. The plan was to bottle Kat up with Ninjor and send them both out to the Sea of Sorrow. Kat escaped before that plan could be put into action. She went back to Earth. The moon villains then did… Nothing. They didn’t send Ninjor out to sea. He was still in a bottle on the moon at the end of the episode. That was that. There were more important things to deal with in the episode, but it would have been nice to have some resolution on that part since it was a big deal this whole episode. Resolution or a teaser for what was to come.

There was a small hint at some things to come in future episodes of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Zordon mentioned that Rita had put a powerful spell on Katherine. There were likely to be some residual effects. It should be interesting to see what those effects will be in upcoming episodes. Maybe something will happen with them in Rita’s Pita, the next episode. Come find out soon, when the next post goes up. See you then!


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