Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Epiosde 30: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part II

When we last left off with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Master Vile had shown up to cause even more trouble for the teens. Ninjor broke free, but Master Vile recaptured him almost immediately. The Blue Globbor absorbed a bunch of Ninjor’s power to be a seemingly better being. That way, it could go and capture the Zeo Crystal, one of the most powerful objects in the universe. Master Vile would use that crystal to rule the world if the Power Rangers couldn’t stop him.

The second part of Master Vile and the Metallic Armor looks to continue that story in some big ways. Tommy went to the moon to try and get the Zeo Crystal before Master Vile, so that plan will play out. Katherine told Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd that she wanted to be evil again. The Blue Globbor was draining the power from the Ninja Megazord and Shogun Megazord. How will that be resolved? We’ll find out some of it in…

Season 3, Episode 30: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part II
Billy urged the Power Rangers to abandon the Shogun Megazord and regroup in the Ninja Megazord. Both were having their power drained, but the Ninja Megazord would get a boost if Tommy could get the Falconzord.

Tommy was busy trying to get the Zeo Crystal from the caves under the moon base. Things weren’t what they seemed down there. Random visions appeared to try and keep Tommy from getting to the Zeo Crystal. Goldar appeared to attack Tommy, but vanished before Tommy could fight back. The Power Rangers, with the Green Ranger, showed up to tell Tommy to give up. Katherine showed up with Rita Repulsa, then by herself, to tell Tommy that there was too much evil in him to get the Crystal. The evil from Tommy’s Green with Evil days would apparently stop him. It didn’t, though, since Tommy was a pure good guy after escaping Rita’s spell.

Rita and Lord Zedd concocted a dastardly scheme to turn Kat evil again. They had a scale that she was supposed to step on to prove her evil. Only, it wasn’t a scale. It was a device built by Finster to drain all the good from her. Luckily, Tommy showed up with the Zeo Crystal and freed Katherine and the Falconzord before teleporting to Earth.

The fighting lasted the entire episode. When Tommy arrived with the Falconzord, it connected to the Ninja Megazord, and both Megazords went toe-to-toe with The Blue Globbor. There was one major problem, though. The Blue Globbor had absorbed all Ninjor’s powers, so every time a Megazord hit The Blue Globbor, Ninjor was also hurt. The Power Rangers couldn’t defeat The Blue Globbor without injuring or killing their friend. They ditched the Megazords, with the Zeo Crystal still inside the Falconzord. Master Vile left for a victory party, leaving The Blue Globbor to finish off the Power Rangers out of their Megazords. The monster drained most of their powers, but they worked together while wearing their metallic armour and stunned it long enough to escape.

Finishing things off, Bulk and Skull got back to Angel Grove to warn everyone about the monster attack. They approached Ernie, only to then be approached by Master Vile. He told them to go get everyone in Angel Grove for a party. Then they all started dancing.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was firing on all cylinders in Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part II. It had some good fighting that wasn’t over in three seconds. There were some serious stakes. Things looked to be at rock bottom as the episode ended. Bulk and Skull even got some funny stuff to do, though they were only in the episode for about thirty seconds. This was one of the better middle sections of a multi-episode arc that the show has seen.

It was a little strange, however, that Master Vile decided to celebrate before he actually won the war. The Power Rangers were on the brink of complete destruction. He could have finished them off and not had to worry about anything. Instead, he decided to throw a victory party, while giving them a little bit of mercy. That will surely come back to bite him. The Power Rangers were able to escape to regroup and re-energize. Knowing them, they’ll come back stronger than ever and kick Master Vile’s monster butt. Maybe the show will toss a surprise in there, though. It could always do that.

The other major oversight that Master Vile had was security on the moon base. Security has never been good there, and that didn’t change under the leadership of Master Vile. Back during A Different Shade of Pink, Katherine was easily able to steal the Pink Power Coin back while she escaped the dungeon. Tommy was able to easily infiltrate the cave and get the Zeo Crystal before anyone even noticed he was on the moon. Worst of all, Tommy was able to teleport into the main moon base room, save Katherine, and escape with the Falconzord while Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd watched. They could have put up some sort of fight, but just kind of let him go in astonishment. Their security really needs to be buffed up so things like that don’t happen.

Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part II made the most of its twenty-minute runtime. The Zeo Crystal was obtained and lost. The Blue Globbor and the Megazords had an extended fight. Tommy had to face his own fears about possibly still having evil inside him. Katherine was almost turned evil again. Bulk and Skull made it back to Angel Grove for Master Vile’s victory party. It was a packed episode that left the Power Rangers in a dire situation. That could be setting up a great shift in the dynamics of the struggle. The Power Rangers are looking to fight back and come out victorious. The only way to find out if that will be true is to move onto the next episode, Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part III. That will be coming up soon. See you then.


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