Work Stories: Episode 52: Should I Stay or Should I Go

Previously on Work Stories, I wrote about something.  I told all of you about that time that something happened to me that somehow involved me either going to, being at, or leaving from work.  I think I wrote about the time a coworker and I had walked past a murder scene.  I think that was last week’s story.

The Work Stories can’t always be good ones so this week I’m going to intentionally give you a dud.  If you don’t want to read a pointless, boring story about something I witnessed at work, don’t read any further than this.  I am guaranteeing you that this is not going to be a good story.  This one is filler, meant to continue to Work Stories for another week.  It’s like that episode of Dragon Ball Z where Goku just stands around building up his spirit bomb and nothing else of note happens.  That’s what this Work Story will be.  A whole post of nothing important.

This week’s Work Story isn’t even something that happened to me, but it’s something that I heard about at work because it had happened on my day off.  I guess you could disqualify this as a Work Story, but I don’t care.  I’m counting it.  It has given me numerous chuckles while I was at work.

There is a book at work in which we leave any important notes pertaining to what has been happening at work during that day.  Most of the notes in the books are about things related to how our admissions are affected.  If something happens that could either cause us to have more or less people come in, we try and write it down.

One day, after my day off, I came into work and looked through the notes from the day before.  The note that stood out to me was one about a person who had urinated on the carpet upstairs.  Of course this would be the one to stand out to me.  My immature mind goes directly to the pee or poop of the matter, and this was a pee note.  I’m going to notice that before I notice anything else.  I’m going to laugh at it as well.

I began asking around about what had happened.  How did this ever occur in the museum?  How could it have been allowed?  Here’s what they told me, from the best of my recollection.  Someone came in all normal and went inside.  They apparently went upstairs and urinated on the carpet, as you’d suspect.  They came back down to the front desk and told the person running the cash register that they went to the washroom.  Then they left.  So, basically, they went potty on the floor, told the person working, and ran away.

I laugh about this every time that I think about it.  The fact that anyone would be rude enough to do this sort of thing astonishes me.  Sure, I’ve dealt with rude people before.  But to urinate, purposely, on a carpet, when there is a washroom in the museum… That’s ridiculous.  The fact that I didn’t work when that happened makes me extremely happy since I didn’t have to clean up after the mess that had been made in the carpet.

That’s about all I have for the Work Story this week.  Like I said, it’s not an exciting one.  It was a few paragraphs of me trying to explain that someone relieved themselves on our carpet.  That’s all that it was.

Next week, I’ll see if I can find something more exciting for you to read about.  I know there are more exciting things that have happened to me at work.  I pushed them off for a week because I wanted to have a slow week in here.  I’ll see you back here next week for something more entertaining.

Until then, scuba dooby doo.


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