Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 26: Gung Ho!

It’s been a while since I did one of these, so this one might be a little rough.  It’s also been a long time since I watched the episode that I’m writing about.  I think it’s been about two months.  I wanted to come back to writing about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers because I never really wanted to give up on it.  Other things got in the way.  But I’m back now, and what a perfect episode to come back to.

I know I’ve written before about how Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was a show that liked to teach kids through the use of the morals in their stories.  This episode is one of those episodes.  There is a lesson through the episode.  It’s very obvious.  Before I get into that, though, I should write about what the episode is first.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 26: Gung Ho!

The Angel Grove Youth Center is hosting a Team Ninja competition.  Jason and Tommy have teamed up to compete in this competition, but their egos are getting in the way of working together.  There is no way that the two of them can possibly win with a lack of teamwork.

While the two of them are working out their issues in the fighting ring, Rita Repulsa unleashes her newest weapon upon Earth: super putties!  They are exactly like putties, but stronger and better fighters.  They also look a little stranger than putties.

When the Power Rangers go to fight off the putties, they realize that they are overpowered.  The only way that they can defeat the super putties is to get new weapons.  Zordon sends Jason and Tommy off together to get the weapons.  The rest of the rangers stay behind and fight.

On their way to the new weapons, Jason and Tommy encounter Titanus, a giant metal dinosaur looking thing.  One of them must distract it while the other goes for the weapons.  This leads them to working as a team.

Jason and Tommy return and save the day with the weapons.  The super putties are defeated, and the two team leaders use their newfound teamwork to win the Team Ninja competition.  Everything ends happily.

Like I said at the beginning, this episode was filled with a lesson for the children who watched it in the 90s.  The lesson was teamwork.  It’s a lesson that Mighty Morphin Power Rangers returns to again and again.  It has been there since the beginning of the series.  They are a team of superheroes.  They must come together and work as a team to defeat Rita Repulsa and whatever other villains come after Earth.  Without co-operation and teamwork, they cannot win.  The Earth would be doomed.

Children learn about teamwork through Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  Teamwork is something that is transferable to many aspects of a person’s daily life.  It is much easier to accomplish tasks through the use of teamwork.  Sports, work projects, and chores can all be easier with multiple people working together.  It is much more difficult, sometimes even impossible, to achieve these feats without the help of others.  This is what was taught to children through this episode.

That’s all I’ve got for this episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  The next piece of writing will be about the first half of a two episode arc.  Hopefully it won’t take me so long to get that one up.  I want to get these up quicker.  There is a lot of Power Rangers that I still have left.  I’ll see you next time for that episode.


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