Work Stories: Episode 49: Dinner and Dance

Previously in Work Stories, I wrote about the first time I had to fix a clogged toilet situation at work.  That was last week, right?  That’s the right episode of Work Stories I’m thinking of?  I hope so.  Anyway, I’m back for another week with another story about something that happened at work, on the way to work, or on the way home from work.  That’s what they’re always about.

This week’s story is about something that happened at work this week.  That means that we’re back at the museum for this week’s Work Story.  Are you ready for another story about my time working at the museum?  I sure am.

This isn’t too exciting of a story, but it’s something I wanted to write about.  Why would I want to write something that isn’t exciting for a Work Story?  Sometimes the smaller things in life are things that you would like to share with other people.  They might not be big details about your life.  They might not be life changing moments.  But every moment is just as important as the rest.  If something happens, it should mean something.  Whether it means that your life is going to take a new direction, or that you’re going to write about it in a blog post sometime in the future, every little moment of your life is a moment of your life.  You should take the most out of every moment.  Don’t waste anything.  That’s why I’m going to write about what I’m about to write about.  It might not be a big piece of my life, but it is worth remembering for even the little bit of a chuckle that it gave me.

At the museum, there is a telephone.  Of course there’s a telephone.  Every establishment should have a telephone.  People should be able to call the establishments to inquire about things.  That’s what our telephone is for.  People can call us and ask for prices, hours of operation, and other things like that.  When employees, such as myself, answer the phone, we are supposed to say the name of the museum and our name, then respond to any questions that they have.  I’ve done this many times.  I’ve told people when we’re open.  I’ve given people directions to the museum.  I’ve told them where they can park in the area.  It’s part of my job.  (I know I say that almost every week when writing about something, but it’s always the case.  They are always part of my job.)  Then the people thank me and hang up.  Most times, at least.  Sometimes they just hang up and I’m left there with a silent phone.

This week I got a phone call that left me stunned and speechless.  It might have been a prank call, but I highly doubt it.  With prank phone calls, you can usually tell that it’s a joke.  It’ll be something really intentionally stupid in a prank phone call.  The phone call I got this week was confusing because of how much of a misunderstanding of our museum that there had to be in order for it to even happen.  Why don’t I just get to the phone call?

I answered the phone when it rang.  I gave the name of the museum and my name.  Then I got this as a response.  “Hello.  I would like to know if you are having a dinner and dance for New Year’s Eve.”

Um… What?  We’re a museum.  We’re not that big.  We’re in a city that holds a huge concert on New Year’s Eve.  We’ve never served food.  Why would we have a dinner and dance on New Year’s Eve?

My response was this.  “Did you say dinner and dance?”

She gave me the affirmative, and I told her that we would not be having a dinner and dance on New Year’s Eve.  She thanked me and hung up.

Do you see what I mean by not thinking that it was a prank call?  It seems too sincere for that.  It’s still a dumb question, but it didn’t seem like a knowingly dumb question.  It sounded to me as though the caller was curious as to if there would be a dinner and dance or not.  I don’t know what would make the caller think there would be.  Maybe they called the wrong number.  But I said the name of our museum.  I have no idea what was going on.

So that’s the phone call I got at work this week.  I told you that it’s not that exciting of a story.  It’s simply something that happened this week.  I wanted to share it with you.  I have shared it.  My work here is done.  I’ll see you next week for another Work Story.

Until then, what’s the difference between snow men and snow women?  Snow balls.


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