Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 31: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor

When we last left off with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Power Rangers were in a very bad state. The Blue Globbor had drained the power from both the Shogun Megazord and the Ninja Megazord. It also drained the power from the Power Rangers themselves. Tommy got the Zeo Crystal and Falconzord from the moon and saved Katherine. He stored it the Zeo Crystal in the Falconzord, but when the Zords were defeated, Master Vile got control of everything. Things were looking pretty bad for the Power Rangers.

Now we’re into the final episode of a three-episode story. The Power Rangers should end up rebounding from their problems. They should come out on top. They’ll have to do something to protect the Zeo Crystal now that it is out of the protection of the moon cave. And Master Vile’s victory party shouldn’t end well when he discovers that he didn’t actually win. That should be ahead in…

Season 3, Episode 31: Master Vile and the Metallic Armor, Part III
Master Vile brought everyone from Angel Grove to the Youth Centre and invited a few monsters, too. They were dancing and partying while Master Vile got ready to destroy the world. It would have all worked out for him if it weren’t for those meddling teens and their Ninjor partner.

The Power Rangers were almost drained of their powers. Zordon had to take some from the morphing grid so that they would have enough power to transport to another galaxy and retrieve their Zords. While getting their Zords, they would get the Zeo Crystal back, as well. The plan worked out for the Power Rangers and they lived to fight another day.

With the Zeo Crystal back in their possession, the Power Rangers had to do something to make sure Master Vile never got his hands on it again. They broke it into five pieces and scattered them throughout space and time. That way, it would be next to impossible for anyone to put the Zeo Crystal back together. Nobody would be using it to destroy worlds ever again.

In between the plan to regain the Zordz and the breaking of the Zeo Crystal, the Power Rangers had one of their greatest fights ever. They had both the Shogun Megazord and the Ninja Megazord fighting next to each other. They also had the Falconzord, which fought on its own as well as in connection with both Megazords. They beat the living crap out of The Blue Globbor, knowing full well that each hit would hurt Ninjor. The Blue Globbor had the power of Ninjor and all the Zords on its side, but it was no match for the teenagers with attitude. They beat it and beat it until it let all the powers go. Ninjor freed himself and also went into battle. Master Vile joined in, too. It was the Power Rangers, their Zords, and Ninjor fighting against The Blue Globbor and Master Vile. In the end, the good guys won out. But Master Vile vowed to come back stronger than before and defeat them once and for all.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers closed out the Master Vile and the Metallic Armor story as strong as they possibly could. There was a great fight, a promise of more trouble to come, and the beginning of the mystery of where the Zeo Crystal shards were. It helped set up the future of the Power Rangers franchise in a way that was as entertaining as any episode has ever been. Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was gearing up to go out on a high note.

Master Vile ended the episode thinking of himself as the most formidable foe the Power Rangers had ever faced. If you watched only these three episodes, you might think the same. He kidnapped Ninjor and drained his powers. He drained the powers from both the Ninja Megazord and the Shogun Megazord. He even drained the power of the Power Rangers themselves. Then there was the whole Zeo Crystal thing. But when you look at things as a whole, both Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa have done things just as bad, if not worse. Rita drained Tommy’s Green Ranger powers completely with a candle. Lord Zedd almost repeated that with the other Power Rangers. The teens were turned into children one time, turned into bricks another time, and turned into footballs on yet another occasion. They’ve been forced to change their powers and Zords on multiple occasions. What Master Vile did was nothing out of the ordinary.

A little more out of the ordinary was the power link that the monster had to Ninjor. This might not have been the first time that a monster was connected to a friend. Actually, there have been other variations on it. Kimberly, Bulk, and Skull were stuck inside a taxi monster. Kelly, the chimpanzee, was turned into a monster. This one was a little different, though, since Ninjor wasn’t the monster and wasn’t in the monster. But it brought up the question of why the Power Rangers and their Zords weren’t harmed when they attacked The Blue Globbor. Was it because it fully drained Ninjor’s powers and didn’t fully drain the others’ powers? That had to be the only explanation. It was kind of odd, though, and that added layer of difficulty surely would have made Master Vile the ultimate villain.

Master Vile and the Metallic Armor was an interesting and entertaining three-episode story that introduced the newest of the main villains to Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Master Vile showed up with a big splash and nearly turned the world to ash. There are only two episodes left before Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers begins. If they’re anything like this one, it should be a crazy finale for the Mighty Morphin era. Soon, I’ll get to The Sound of Dischordia, and we’ll see how high stakes the episodes are. Come back soon, won’t you?


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