Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers: Episode 2: Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part II

In the previous episode of Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers, the Power Rangers realized that they needed some outside help to protect Earth from the moon monsters. They called upon the Alien Rangers of Aquitar to take care of the planet while they looked for a way to bring the time back to normal. The moon monsters had a plan of their own, which involved the possible implosion of the Command Centre. Then those fateful words came up. To be continued…

This episode will be the continuation. It is the second part of the introduction of the Alien Rangers of Aquitar. That’s fitting, considering the title. I’m a little worried about the Command Centre, though. Nobody noticed what the moon monsters did. They were too busy sending the signal to Aquitar. They’ll definitely find out this episode. And they might even start their plan to return to their normal ages. We’ll find out by taking a look at…

Episode 2: Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part II
Now that the Alien Rangers of Aquitar were called, the Power Rangers could take note of the implosion device that was sitting outside the Command Centre. They couldn’t do anything about it because they were kids. They were sent somewhere safer, the beach, to wait for the Alien Rangers to arrive. Alpha went out to dismantle the implosion device. It was a close call, but he managed to save the Command Centre.

The children arrived at the beach and immediately ran into their own trouble. Rito Revolto, Goldar, and some Tenga Warriors showed up to cause problems. The kids found a bunch of inflatables and beach toys that they threw at the moon monsters until the Alien Rangers showed up and used special powers to scare the monsters away.

Back at the Command Centre, the Alien Rangers informed everyone of what they were getting into. The Earth’s atmosphere was not hospitable for them, so they couldn’t stay for long. They had their own Zords but would also like to use the Shogun Zords if they needed to. With their Zords, they could telepathically control them. Then they got a bunch of information basically downloaded into their heads.

The moon monsters didn’t stay scared away for long. A bunch of older monsters were sent back to Earth to try and destroy it one more time. That taxi monster that Bulk, Skull, and Kimberly were once stuck in was back. The flasher with the eyes lining its trench coat was back. So was the trash can lid monster. The Alien Rangers fought them until they were grown into bigger monsters. Then they called upon their Zords. The Zords looked like sleeker versions of those used by the Power Rangers. Their Zords were teamed up with the Shogun Megazord to take down the monsters. Upon his defeat, Master Vile fled back to his own galaxy. Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa were back in charge of the moon base.

Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers opened with a solid two-parter that set everything up for the remainder of the mini-series, as well as the Power Rangers franchise going forward. The Alien Rangers of Aquitar would only on Earth for a short time. In that short time, the children needed to figure out how to set time back to normal. Master Vile was gone. The Earth was in great danger. It was everything that needed to happen to make the mini-series into something special.

Alpha 5 got a moment to truly shine in Alien Rangers of Aquitar, Part II. He was the one who had to stop the implosion device from destroying the Command Centre. He went out there and began using his robotic features to work on the device. The fuse was burning down. Things were getting tense and stressful. Alpha was sweating to the point that he had to pull out a squeegee and get rid of the perspiration. He got it done, though. Alpha saved the Command Centre.

Speaking of Alpha 5, there were some nice foreshadowing moments throughout the episode. One of them was regarding Alpha 5. He said that if things didn’t turn out well, there would always be an Alpha 6 that could come and help the Power Rangers. Alpha 6 would be introduced during Power Rangers Turbo, the season after Power Rangers Zeo, which was the season that followed Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers. There was an entire season between the setup and payoff of Alpha 6. Another foreshadowing moment came from Aquitar itself. Billy was the last remaining original Power Ranger, but he wouldn’t last too much longer. He was written out of the show during Power Rangers Zeo. The way he was written out was that he went to live on Aquitar. They may not have been planting the seeds yet, but the planet had been introduced.

There are eight more episodes in the Mighty Morphin Alien Rangers mini-series. The Power Rangers need to find a way to get back to their normal age. They need to find a way to regain their powers so that they can keep the planet safe. The Alien Rangers won’t stay forever. They can’t possibly survive on Earth for an extended period. The plan to regain their powers will start in Climb Every Fountain. I’ll see you soon when I get to that episode.


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