Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 20: Changing of the Zords, Part II

Previously on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Kat was up to her evil ways again.  She stole Kimberly’s Power Coin and used it to take control of Tommy’s FalconZord.  Meanwhile, Finster, Squatt, and Baboo were on an adventure to find the location of some extremely powerful Zords that they could use to take down the Power Rangers.  Ninjor was captured by Goldar and Kimberly’s life essence was being drained.  The team was in dire straits as the episode ended.

Now we’re going to pick up where we left off.  This middle part of the story should have the Power Rangers figuring out what to do about the problem they’re in and finding a way to get out of it.  The episode will likely end with them getting ready to go into battle, facing a small defeat, and retreating to regroup before going in for another fight.  It also might have the new Zords show up.  That’s just speculation.  The truth will be revealed in…
Season 3, Episode 20: Changing of the Zords, Part II
The teens found out how bad the situation was for Kimberly.  They went to the Angel Grove Youth Center to work off some steam while training their martial arts skills.  Katherine met up with them and asked where Kimberly was because they were supposed to hang out.  She then said she could hang out with someone else, and asked Tommy.  He politely declined and Katherine left.

A monster came down to Angel Grove and the Power Rangers went to stop it.  At the same time, Katherine was surrounded by Tenga Warriors.  Kimberly woke up in the Command Centre and saw that Katherine was in trouble.  She went out to help her new friend.  The fight didn’t end well.  Kimberly was weak and got kidnapped by the Moon Monsters.  The other Power Rangers found out about the deception and got mad.

Lord Zedd was brought to the Command Centre to find some sort of compromise that would save the kidnapped Kimberly’s life.  His proposal was to have the Power Rangers pilot the new Zords for him.  It was blackmail, and the episode ended with the Power Rangers coming to a decision that was not yet revealed.

Bulk and Skull spent their time trying to convince Lt. Stone that monsters were real.  He said they had an hour to find proof and that he would be with them the whole time.  They went to the park where they narrowly missed out on the Power Rangers fighting a monster.  Lt. Stone was very unbelieving about the monsters that always showed up in Angel Grove, even though everyone knew about the Power Rangers since season 1.

The fighting was nothing all that special.  The Power Rangers kick-punched a monster while Kimberly tried to fight off some Tenga Warriors.  Her fight was the more interesting one because it had her deteriorating strength making the stakes higher.  Nothing about the fights really stood out though.
This episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was all about pushing the story forward.  It was the bridge between the solid first episode and the ending that will have a massive effect on the series.  Kimberly was taken by Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa.  Kat was one step closer to being with Tommy.  The Power Rangers were being forced into a bad situation in order to save the life of their friend.  Everything was looking down.  Changing of the Zords, Part II did a good job of taking things to their lowest point.  And if they weren’t at their lowest point by the end, it was leading everything there.

One thing I noticed while watching the second part of the Changing of the Zords storyline was the clothing of the characters.  It has been in continuity since the series began that each of the teens wore clothing that pointed toward their Power Rangers colour.  Jason and Rocky always wore some red.  Trini and Aisha always wore some yellow.  Billy wore blue, Adam and Zack wore black, Kimberly wore pink, and Tommy went from wearing green to wearing white.  That hasn’t changed over three seasons.  The characters still dress according to their Power Rangers colour.  What I noticed was that Kat was already wearing pink.  Since she was introduced, she has been wearing pink clothing.  It was a hint toward her becoming the next Pink Ranger.  She hasn’t donned the Pink Ranger costume yet, though, so this hinting was happening before she was revealed as the next ranger.  It was some obvious foreshadowing, though subtler than outright saying she would be the next Pink Ranger.

Changing of the Zords, Part II was an episode all about moving the story from easy obstacles to the lowest point for the characters.  It succeeded by having one of the worst positions that the characters would ever be in.  They might have to team up with Lord Zedd to save their friend.  Whether or not they accept the terms has yet to be decided.  We’ll find out soon in the third part of the story.  I’ll see you soon with a post for Changing of the Zords, Part III.


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