Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 21: Changing of the Zords, Part III

Previously in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, the Power Rangers were put into a tough position.  They fought a monster, which was a distraction so that Lord Zedd could kidnap a dying Kimberly.  Then they were given the choice of either teaming up with Lord Zedd or watching Kimberly die.  The choice was up in the air at the end of the episode.

This episode should clear that up and the Power Rangers should figure out a way to save Kimberly.  Kat could become good, but there are still a couple episodes before she becomes a Power Ranger, so that could play out a little longer.  What happens will be revealed by watching…
Season 3, Episode 21: Changing of the Zords, Part III
Tommy agreed to Lord Zedd’s proposal and now the Power Rangers had to work for the moon villain.  Once Zedd left the Command Centre, however, Tommy told everyone else his real plan.  Billy had a device that could open up a portal to another dimension.  Tommy was going to use it to get to Kimberly and break her free.

Lord Zedd noticed that the agreement had been false when he saw the teenagers in the park using the device.  He sent a monster down to Earth to cause destruction and mayhem.  The Power Rangers had to try and stop the monster.  When Lord Zedd sent the new Shogun Zords into the battlefield, the Power Rangers had no choice but to jump in them and do Lord Zedd’s bidding.  Billy worked the whole time to try and hotwire the Zords so that the Power Rangers could take control.

Tommy managed to get Kimberly out of the other dimension and back to the Command Centre.  Then Billy took control of the Zords.  Everything ended up as well as it could have been.  The Power Rangers now had their Shogun Zords, minus Kimberly.  There was no pink Zord, so she would share with Tommy.  With all the happiness, it was a bittersweet moment. Kimberly’s powers were still being drained.  She would slowly lose her powers unless they got the Power Coin back.

Bulk, Skull, and Lt. Stone spent most of the episode sleeping while the big standoff took place behind them.  It was going to be tough to prove to Lt. Stone that monsters existed when they were all asleep.  Luckily, Lt. Stone was awakened by a runaway kite, and thought it as a monster.  Bulk and Skull went along with the monster story in order to keep their jobs and ran off with their superior officer.

The fight was alright.  Once the Power Rangers got control of their Zords, they were able to turn them into a new Megazord that easily took down the monster.  The monster could shoot lasers from its body, but that was no match for the new Megazord’s slash.  The monster went down without too much of a struggle.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers was not afraid to use multi-episode story arcs to change things up within the show.  Sometimes, as was the case with Changing of the Zords, some of the elements felt familiar.  That doesn’t mean the story was all that bad.  This was still a fairly strong Mighty Morphin Power Rangers tale, and the handling of Kimberly’s departure is going well.  But it’s hard to watch this episode without noticing that some of the story reused elements of Tommy’s past.

The first, and most obvious, was that Katherine came into the series as a villain, under the control of Rita Repulsa.  Tommy was introduced the same way with the Green with Evil episodes back in the first season.  The major difference is that Tommy was still a teen or a Power Ranger, albeit evil, the entire time.  Katherine could turn into a cat.  In the previous multi-episode story, A Ranger Catastrophe, she was able to turn into a cat monster.  There were two abilities that Tommy never had.

The other story beat that felt a little repetitive in this episode was that Kimberly’s powers were slowly draining away without her Power Coin.  The first season ended with an extended story thread where Tommy was slowly losing his powers.  This time, it was more pronounced.  It was still the same story, though.  A Power Ranger’s powers were dissipating, and the other Power Rangers could only sit by and watch it happen.  Unless they got the Power Coin back.

One other thing should be pointed out, and that’s the Bulk and Skull storyline.  It wasn’t a repetitive storyline.  It just left me with some questions.  Lt. Stone seemed to be a higher up within the Angel Grove Police Force.  He oversaw the Youth Patrol.  Yet he didn’t believe that monsters came to Angel Grove on a regular basis.  Back in season 1, everyone knew the Power Rangers.  The Power Rangers made public appearances.  In season 2, Bulk and Skull wanted to unmask the Power Rangers because it would make them famous.  The Power Rangers were famous because they fought monsters and saved the day.  Half the city got destroyed on a regular basis by giant monsters.  Why wouldn’t Lt. Stone believe that there were monsters when there was so much evidence that there were?  It’s weird.

Katherine is still a villain.  Kimberly is losing her powers.  There’s only one episode between now and the Kimberly send-off episodes, so I’ll be getting to that in-between next.  It’s called Follow that Cab!, and I’m hoping it’s another strong episode as the season pushes into its final stretch.  See you when that post goes up.


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