Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 28: Island of Illusion: Part II

One of my least favourite things in all of television is a clip show.  Sure, there are good ones that use the idea as a joke.  But the straight clip shows where they simply play clips previously seen in the show irritate me.  It feels like repetition because it is repetition.  The showrunners are showing things that have already been shown.  It’s a waste of time and adds nothing to the series.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had a clip show about halfway through the first season.  That was bound to happen since the season is sixty episodes.  Putting a clip show at the twenty-eighth episode is an easy way to remind children of what the characters have been through since the beginning of the series.  As an adult, I don’t feel the need to get this reminder, and thus feel put off by what I’m watching.  I’m just going to get right to what I mean.

Season 1, Episode 28: Island of Illusion: Part II

The teens are stuck on a mysterious island, and Zack is slowly disappearing because of his fear of snakes.  It’s right where the previous installment left off.  Zack is doomed.  He is slowly fading out of existence.  How can they possibly stop it?  That’s where Quagmire comes in.

Quagmire is a little person who comes to the aid of the Power Rangers.  (I guess I should say that the Power Rangers don’t have their Power Coins or communicators)  Quagmire gets Zack to think back to a time when he saved the world, and Zack thinks back to a time when he defeated one of Rita’s monsters.  It gives him some confidence, and he comes back in full.  He has been saved.

The rest of the Rangers go through the same thing, and each of them gets saved by Quagmire as they battle a changed reality.  Kimberly hallucinates that Bulk and Skull are being nice.  Billy thinks he’s not smart enough.  Trini is scared that she can’t help.  Tommy sees a lot of putties.  And Jason worries that he’s not a good enough leader.  They all overcome these things and gain their confidence.  Their confidence brings back their Power Coins and they escape.  It should be noted that Quagmire helped each of them thought about a time when they were the one to save the day.  So we get a bunch of clips.

When the Power Rangers escape the island, Rita blows it up.  When she notices that they escaped, she goes to Earth to watch them lose a fight against Lokar and Mutitis.  Only, the Power Rangers don’t lose.  They combine Megazords, to make some sort of thing with all six Zords in it.  It looks like the original Megazord with shoulder plates.  Then they combine this super Megazord thing with Titanus, from two episodes ago.  This Megazord looks like a monstrosity.  It’s frighteningly laughable to see.  They use it to defeat Mutitis and send Lokar running away.

Oh!  Remember the dance competition that was set up in Part 1 of Island of Illusion?  We see it.  There are only two competitors that we see.  Bulk goes first and gets and overall score of -2.  See, it’s funny because he got a negative score.  Right? Right?  Then Zack goes.  Of course Zack gets full marks.  He’s a great dancer.  Everyone is happy, except for Bulk and Skull.  The episode ends.

Maybe I overreacted by saying it was a clip show.  Only half of the episode was a clip show.  The first half of this episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers looked back at some of the escapades of the Power Rangers in the first half of the season.  The second half of the episode had a battle with some new elements that I definitely hadn’t seen before.  The clip show aspect still bothered me.

Although that bothered me, I did like that half of the episode for the stakes that were being built up.  If one of the team members had disappeared, it would surely have led to a downward spiral that would take out every Power Ranger and allow Rita Repulsa to conquer Earth.  It was a major threat in a show that is usually just the Power Rangers overpowering a monster in their Megazord.  It was mental and emotional, rather than physical.  It was a refreshing change.

That’s about all I have for the episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  I know it’s not much, but it’ll do.  It’ll do, pigs.  I’m almost halfway through the first season, and I’ve once again quickened the pace at which I’m getting these posts out there.  I’m excited to get back into the series because it’s one that I mostly enjoy.  I’ll have another post up soon.


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