Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 1, Episode 27: Island of Illusion: Part 1

Something that I always look forward to in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is a multiple episode story arc.  The reason that I like this in the series is because it means that the story of one episode will likely have weight throughout the remainder of the series.  This might not always be the case.  I don’t remember the entire series and I’m not too far into it again.  But going off of the previous multiple episode arc, I have confidence in more arcs bringing more changes to the show.

The previous story arc that I am hinting to is the Green with Evil five part story.  It was the introduction of Tommy, the Green Ranger.  Mighty Morphin Power Rangers used the story arc to introduce this character as a strong counterpart to Jason, and to bring a new ranger into the team.  The two episode arc that I am at is Island of Illusion.  The first half has brought the group into one of the most dangerous situations that they have ever been in.  I’ll get to that in a bit.  I’m hoping that the second half will set into motion some repercussions that will change the series, even if slightly.  I love the series as it is at this point, but everything needs growth, change, and expansion in order to survive.  The episodic nature of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is nice and all, but there needs to be a little bit more story that flows through multiple episodes.

That’s not to say that this hasn’t been happening in a slight way throughout the past few episodes.  Like I said, a new character was added in the previous story arc.  Super putties were added only two or three episodes previous.  But the episodes are still neatly wrapped up by the end.  There are very few story elements that last more than one episode.  Perhaps this arc can help to change that.

Season 1, Episode 27: Island of Illusion: Part 1

The episode opens on Zack practicing for an upcoming dance competition.  He’s filled with a lot of self-doubt.  Bulk and Skull take this opportunity to bully Zack.  It ends in a dance off that Zack easily wins.  Bulk falls into some pillars that are in the Youth Center for some reason.

Meanwhile, Rita is planning one of her most dastardly plans ever.  She summons a monster called Lokar to defeat the Power Rangers and send them to a mysterious island.  The Power Rangers fight Lokar as much as they can before their Zords are defeated and they are sent to the island.

Once on the island, the group spends some time trying to figure out where they are.  Zack finds a snake and freaks out as he is prone to do.  One of the previous episodes brought his fear of snakes up.  As he gets scared, he begins to fade into nothingness as though he is Marty McFly.  Goldar shows up to laugh at the Power Rangers and tell them that their fear will make them fade away.  Then the episode ends.

I fear that the two episode arc was only done because they couldn’t fit everything into one episode.  I hope that isn’t the case.  I hope that the two episode arc is a sign of some sort of significance to the overall series in the way that Green with Evil was significant to the series.  I am hopeful but wary.

What I appreciated about the episode is the stakes that were brought in.  After so many simple episodes in which a monster comes down and the Power Rangers defeat the monster, it is a nice change of pace to have such high stakes in an episode.  The Power Rangers could perish in the situation.  You don’t feel the calm confidence that you do in your average episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  As a viewer, you are worried for their well-being for only the second or third time in the show’s history.  It’s a good feeling for the series to cause because it means that they are doing their job.

So, as an episode, I think this one definitely had its strengths and weaknesses.  The stakes were raised as the Power Rangers ended up in peril.  The problem is that I don’t think that the two episode arc is going to mean anything for later episodes of the series.  It’s something that saddens me because I’d like to see the show grow.

I’m done writing about this episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers and I’m ready to move onto the next episode.  When I watch that one, I’ll write about it too.  Keep one eye open at all times for that.  It’ll probably be up sometime this week.  I’ll see you back here for that.


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