The Mighty Ducks: Possibly the Worst Thing I've Ever Written

This past weekend, I took some time out of my not-so-busy schedule to watch a series of movies that I have loved since a child.  The Mighty Ducks movies have been a part of my life for almost my entire life.  I’ve grown up watching them.  I went through adolescence rewatching them.  They were some of my favourite movies.  They are part of me.

Watching them this time, however, I have noticed that the movies aren’t necessarily good.  Each of the movies has major issues associated with it, from the editing of the first movie, to the second movie breaking the laws of physics, to the third movie having some poor writing.  The movies aren’t the great movies I built them up to be in my mind.  The strange thing is that I still love them.  I still hold them close to my heart.  I don’t care if they’re good or bad.  I still love them.  This is nostalgia talking.

I don’t want to go into nostalgia too much.  It’s been overdone so many times by so many people that think they can write so they make a blog.  Hey!  I did that too!  Except I don’t think I’m anything special as a writer.  Moving on.  Everyone who discusses movies or television shows at all in their blogs or professional writing at some point gets to a nostalgia piece.  I’m not going to dwell on the topic.  All I want to say about it is that it makes me like movies more than I should because of my memories associated with them.  It taints my vision, but hey, whatever.

This is going to be a sharp turn off of the main street that I could have driven down with topics here, but I like the slightly scenic route.  What happened to the cast of The Mighty Ducks?  Estevez became a director, Jackson went on to Dawson’s Creek and Fringe, and Thompson ended up on SNL.  Where did everyone else go?  Ratliff and Weiss sometimes pop up in something in a small role, but I haven’t really seen any of the cast members in a good ten or so years.  Julie the Cat is a cook?  Alright.  What about Karp?  What about Mendoza?  Most of them didn’t go anywhere with their careers.

We need to reinvigorate all of their acting careers by bringing everyone back for one more movie.  It can be the American Reunion of the Mighty Ducks series.  Well, with it being more family oriented and less forced raunchiness.  That’s obvious.  I want to see the team back together again.  There needs to be a better send off than the end of the third installment.  There needs to be more use of Queen.

I’m bringing this to an end.  This is one of the choppiest, most poorly written blog entries I’ve ever made.  Whatever.  I like The Mighty Ducks.  I like D2 The Mighty Ducks.  I even like D3 The Mighty Ducks.  Hell, I like all three of them.  I needed to share my love in a horrible way.  You are welcome.


  1. Ha, I can see it now. D4: The Mighty Duck Reunion. And they're challenged by their former foes or something.

    I actually love D2, I didn't care for the others, but the same thing happened to me with E.T. I used to love watching it, but now when I do I'm a little distracted with the obvious use of stunt doubles during the bike scenes and the horrible acting from the children.


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