Seven Sins Marathon Movie 8: Se7en (1995)

Gluttony, greed, sloth, lust, pride, envy, and wrath.  These are the seven deadly sins.  I’ve watched one movie that exemplifies each sin during the month of June.  I also watched one movie that covered each sin in some detail to wrap it up.  That movie was directed by one of my favourite directors currently working.  The movie was the David Fincher directed Se7en.

Se7en was released in 1995 and starred Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman as a pair of police detectives investigating a series of murders pertaining to the seven deadly sins.  This is not a buddy cop movie in any way.  The two detectives never quite become buddies because one is new to the precinct and he is going to replace the other.  Not a buddy cop movie.

I’m going to make this one short.  There isn’t much to say that hasn’t been said by everyone else who has seen it.  Also, I’m bound to go into a “Fincher can do no wrong, except for Benjamin Button” way of writing.  These are preventative measures, I say!  You’ll thank me in the long run.

The acting is good throughout the movie from everyone.  Se7en is one of the best written scripts that I’ve ever seen put to screen.  The direction is excellent and shows the promise that Fincher has followed through with in films such as Fight Club, Zodiac, and The Social Network.  Oh, here I go with the Fincher love.  The choice of music throughout Se7en also shows what would become a staple of mostly perfect choices throughout the rest of Fincher’s movies.

If I were to take one thing in this movie and label it bad, it would be Brad Pitt’s angry voice.  It gets high and whiny in a way that just annoys the hell out of you.  That would be the single negative thing in the movie.  I can’t even think of another weak spot.

And that last scene.  Well, not the last last scene.  Before that.  The climactic finale.  There is no getting around how powerful of a scene that is.  If you’ve seen the movie, you know what it is.  If you haven’t, you probably still know if you’ve heard of the movie.  It’s a force to be reckoned with.  Few climactic scenes come close to the tension that is present when you watch it.

Se7en brings a close to the Seven Sins Marathon.  It’s been a fun one, albeit poorly scheduled.  With the amount of time I’ve been spending at work, and the other movies I’ve wanted to watch, it was difficult to get all of these in.  I did watch them all in June, though this writeup is going up a couple days late.  Even later are the awards that will appear sometime this week.  Don’t wait up for them.

There will be no July or August marathons due to time.  I haven’t put anything in the blog but marathon related entries the past month.  I want to do more than that.  Plus, with the amount I’m going to be working, I’ll have less time to squeeze the movies in.  So, the marathons are taking a break for a couple months.  Yeah.

It’s been a fun one.  See you soon for the awards.


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