Seven Sins Marathon Watching Order

Alright alright alright.  With the Reimagined Shakespeare Marathon coming to an end, it’s time to get the order of the next marathon ready.  This is fairly simple since I already have the lineup ready.

The next marathon is the Seven Sins Marathon.  This marathon has each of the seven deadly sins represented my one movie.  There is also the capping of the marathon with the Fincher classic, Se7en.  Here’s the order in which they will be watched.

Thinner (1996) [Gluttony]
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) [Greed]
Office Space (1999) [Sloth]
Shame (2011) [Lust]
A Night To Remember (1958) [Pride]
Envy (2004) [Envy]
Death Wish (1974) [Wrath]
Se7en (1995)

Those are the eight movies in the order they will be watched.  I know that doesn’t matter to anyone because I’m the only person watching these movies in this order for the reason of this marathon.  But I felt the need to share the order that I’m watching them in so as to give people the chance to watch along if they so choose.  Which they won’t choose to do.  Whatever.

That’s the marathon for June.  We’ll get that going within the next couple days.


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