Seven Sins Marathon Overview

Now that I’m getting into the Reimagined Shakespeare Marathon, I would like to announce the lineup for my next marathon.  The reason I did this now instead of before I began the current marathon is simple.  I didn’t want two unstarted movie lists waiting at the same time on the blog.  For that reason, I held off on putting up the list for the next marathon.

So here we go.  The Seven Sins Marathon is simple to explain.  There are seven deadly sins.  These sins are greed, gluttony, envy, lust, wrath, pride, and sloth.  I chose one movie that deals with each sin.  That means that there is one movie for greed, one for gluttony, and so on and so forth.  This makes seven movies.  That isn’t all though.  There is an eighth movie in the upcoming marathon that covers all seven sins.  This makes an eight movie marathon.

The only real rule to picking the movies for this marathon was that the sin had to be something that influenced the entire movie throughout its run.  I couldn’t pick something like Stand By Me for gluttony because the eating competition was only one scene in the entire movie.  That was really the only rule, though for pride, I got really picky because I didn’t want a movie with pride in the title.  That’s kind of hypocritical of me as you will see.

Here are the movies that are going to be a part of this marathon, in no specific order.

Shame (2011) [Lust]
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (1948) [Greed]
Death Wish (1974) [Wrath]
Envy (2004) [Envy]
Office Space (1999) [Sloth]
A Night To Remember (1958) [Pride]
Thinner (1996) [Gluttony]
Se7en (1995)

Those are the eight movies.  As you can see, one of the movies included has the sin in its title.  That’s where I got hypocritical.  Whatever.

There’s not much else to say.  The Reimagined Shakespeare Marathon is still going on.  The Throne of Blood writeup should be up sometime in the next 24 hours.  If you have ideas for future marathon themes, contact me or leave a comment.  I’m open to suggestions.


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