Reading for Leisure

I didn’t realize how much I missed it while I was at school, but it really is nice to sit down and read something enjoyable.  There’s something about it that feels good.  I like the feeling of getting into the minds of the characters in a way that you simply don’t get out of the majority of movies.  It connects you to the character.  It gets you invested.

The reason I haven’t been reading so much is because I had focused any of my reading time on my school textbooks.  They deserved my attention more than my own entertainment reading.  I needed to do well in school so my leisurely reading took a hit.  It’s something that happens in life.  That’s the way things need to be sometimes.  Now school is over and I can get to catching up on a few of the many, many books I have.

The first up has been finishing off High Fidelity.  I got the book around November 2011, and started reading it soon after.  It took me forever to find the thing.  I’d been searching at the book stores for the longest time but had never been able to get it.  One day, while at the grocery store, I decided to go into the used book store in the plaza.  Behold!  There’s a copy of the book I had been looking for.  I snatched that thing right up.

Why has it taken me so long to read a book that, if I really wanted to, I could finish in one, maybe two, days?  It was November.  There were a lot of things going on around November.  I was working.  The holidays were approaching.  I had recently bought Uncharted 3.  I was soon to buy Red Dead Redemption.  There was new television.  I was doing movie marathons and writing for the blog.  I had to get ready for my return to school.  And anything else that was going to happen.  Time was rather tight in November.  Plus, my seat in the living room of the house is the seat that doesn’t get good lighting, so it gets really difficult to read when it’s dark.  It all adds to a lack of reading time.

Now I am at a non-busy point in time.  I can catch up on a book or two or three or more.  It feels good to be reading again and not be reading about methods of statistical testing, or ways to separate different liquids from one another.  It’s nice to be able to read about relatable characters that are dealing with problems in their lives.  It gets my attention much more than stale, dry academic writing.

I don’t think I needed to tell you this at all.  You probably know exactly what I’m talking about or at least can relate to it in one way or another.  You didn’t need me to reiterate something you already know.  I felt like sharing anyway.  I share a lot of things.  If you follow me on Twitter, I’ve shared when I was going to use the washroom.  That’s just me.  I like to share some things.  Being able to read for leisure is something I felt like sharing.  Now I’m done sharing it.


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