1am Entry

It’s one in the morning.  I’m getting tired.  I’m probably going to head to sleep pretty soon.  Before I do that though, I wanted to get something out of me for the blog.  It’s been over a week since the last entry and I did promise to get at least one a week while at school.  I’ve come pretty close.  I might have missed one week at some point.  Oh well.

I don’t really have too much to write about.  A lot of stuff has been going on with school because it’s exam time.  That means studying, and exams and more studying.  I haven’t really had time for life outside of school and the daily food, washroom, sleep, and housekeeping breaks.  Okay, maybe I’ve taken time to watch a few movies but that’s after studying is done for the day and I’m winding down towards bedtime.  Life hasn’t been all that exciting for the most part.

I think this might have been my first Easter away from my family.  That isn’t a big deal, other than it being a first.  It’s only a holiday for chocolate if you aren’t religious, right?  I missed out on a little bit of chocolate which will likely just be waiting for me when I get home from school in just over a week.  Easter is basically a joke holiday if you aren’t religious.  Hey, how about we buy each other some chocolate?  Okay!  That’s a splendid idea!  I could go for gaining some chocolate pounds because chocolate tastes good.  Yeah, that’s really all the holiday has become.  Especially when you’re not a child or a parent anymore and don’t get to do egg hunting.

I haven’t had eggs in a while.  It’s been over a month now.  I never had time to cook a proper breakfast in the morning before school, so I never got anything that I had to cook.  Breakfast became mostly muffins or pop tarts.  Mmmmm.  Pop tarts.  Strawberry flavoured death.  Anyway, I could go for some eggs but I think I’ll wait a week and have some when I go back home.  That way I don’t have to find a way to make the eggs I don’t eat during this week survive the hour and a half drive.

Two more exams are left this term and they’re the toughest two exams.  These are the two exams that are most likely to ruin my chances of success.  If I put enough hours into studying this weekend, I should be good to go.  There’s always the other side though, where I study the wrong material.  Hopefully I don’t.  It would be nice to make it through school successfully.

Anyway, it’s now quarter after one and I really feel like making sweet love to my mattress.  I’ve been awake since six thirty am and could really use a few hours sleep to get me going again.  I think I’ll leave it here then.  This isn’t much of a blog entry.  It isn’t really about anything.  It got a few things across though so that’ll have to do.


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