What's Up Weather?

The weather has been pretty wacky around here lately.  If it were a person, it would be one of those people who stands in front of the cereal in the grocery store and spends twenty minutes trying to determine which box to take.  Will it rain?  Will it snow?  It is going to be warm?  How about cold?  There is no telling with this weather.  It’s like playing a game of Russian Roulette where the gun is filled with bullets but each bullet has different weather.  You don’t know what it’s going to be like when you step outside the front door in the morning.

Today was no different.  After a warm sunny day Wednesday, today I woke up and walked out to a blowing snowstorm.  This is not what I expected.  I guess that I would have known if I ever checked the weather but I don’t.  I like a little bit of surprise.  I don’t need that surprise every single day.  Especially when the surprise is blowing snow that likes to go all over your face and make you freeze half to death.  That’s not my idea of a fun weather surprise.

When I go outside, I like to be able to not feel like I’m dying.  Blowing snow tends to make me feel like death is knocking on my mental door.  It’s not a fun feeling to have snow flying into your face and either freezing or melting, depending on location and the part of the flake of snow.  It’s just too bad that I don’t have anything to cover my face in situations such as blowing snow.  It might make things easier.

Wednesday was a nice warm day.  Any snow that we had received melted away.  I felt like I could have worn shorts.  That’s how warm it was.  I was not expecting it to snow like it did today in the least.  The warm day got my hopes up.  Maybe the winter was coming to an end.  Maybe it would get warmer outside.  But, alas, my hope was not to help.  The snow came, the cold came back.  I should have expected it.  I am in Canada.

I’m going to stop complaining now.  This has gone on long enough.  It’s time to get down to other things I need to do today that don’t include complaining about something that I have no possible way to control.  Unless I build some sort of weather changing machine.  Though, most days would just be sunny, until the evening where there would be a warm rain.  Nobody but me wants that every day, do they?


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