The Human Centipede - Not a Lauging Matter

There is clearly something wrong with the guys I live with.  This isn’t necessarily new news to me.  The thing is, it has recently been pushed to the forefront once again.  We watched The Human Centipede last night.  It’s a movie I’d been meaning to watch for a while now.  I wanted to know what the fuss was.  These two housemates had seen The Human Centipede previously.  They found it to be a funny movie.

How is this movie funny, I ask?  I have no answer for it myself.  The movie seemed funny in no way whatsoever.  These two guys laughed at the movie though.  There was nothing to laugh at in the movie.  At no point did it ask for a laugh.  At no point was there a reason to laugh.  It was a serious, morbid movie about people getting tortured.  Where do you find laughs in that?  Nowhere!  That’s where.

This is nothing against The Human Centipede.  It wasn’t quite my thing, but I can imagine people who would like the movie.  But to like the movie because you find it funny is wrong.  How is it funny that people are getting kidnapped and sewn ass to mouth and tortured?  It’s not.  I don’t know how anyone can find humour in it.  The movie takes itself seriously, which just adds to my point.  It would be different if the movie was a comedy.  There’s also the fact that the movie is competently enough made that you can’t laugh at the filmmaking.  I find no laughs in it.

They were also laughing at the feeding scene.  If you’ve seen the movie, you know what the feeding scene is.  There’s nothing to laugh at in that scene either.  How people can laugh at this movie, I will never be able to understand; especially when they are laughing at the belittlement and distress of seemingly good characters.

The worst part is that my friends were laughing at the end.  I’m not going to spoil anything but the ending is nothing to laugh about.  There is nothing humorous in the ending of The Human Centipede.  I fear for the mental state of my housemates if they find that ending funny.

I don’t have anything else to say about that matter.  I can tell you that the movie isn’t bad, though the concept might be too much for some.  You probably all know that by now.  It’s not really my cup of tea though.  That doesn’t take away from the quality of what I saw.  For what Tom Six was going for, I’d say he succeeded.  I’m never going to watch it again but I’d say that if you can get past the concept you should see the movie once.  Just don’t expect it to be the laugh riot that my housemates think it is.


  1. I hated this movie so much, and my review the most viewed post on my blog. I don't understand, it was so, so, bad! That movie could've been brilliantly creepy if Tom Six would learn how to write a fucking screenplay.

    1. I thought it was a passable movie. But it definitely is not anything I want to revisit.


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