Community Withdrawals Week 5

As the time rolls on, I feel more and more agony.  With each passing week, my withdrawal about Community being off of the air grows worse and worse.  My life will be in ruins until the return of Community in the spring.  Community keeps me healthy, it keeps me going.

This is the fifth week that I’ve been forced to live without seeing a new episode of this amazing show.  There is no Danny Pudi gracing my television screen.  There is no Chevy Chase saying insensitive things.  How will I survive until the return of Community?  How?

I’ve been keeping everyone up to date with all of the agonizing ailments that I have suffered throughout the past four weeks.  These included a headache, a stomach ache, a loss of memory, and last week had the addition of a fever.  I thought that it couldn’t get any worse.  Then I woke up today and realized that there was a searing pain in my back.

This pain might be from sleeping the wrong way.  It might.  My belief is that it isn’t.  My belief is that the searing pain in my back comes from the knife that NBC stabbed there when they took Community off the air.  My back has been stabbed by NBC.  They betrayed my trust.  They ruined my Thursday night.

Hear me out, NBC.  I can endure this pain until the spring.  I can.  But if you choose to cancel Community, I might die.  You might strike the hammer on the final nail to my coffin.  Cancelling Community will be the equivalent of cancelling my level four laser lotus lifeforce and moving my lifeforce into a lava lamp.  Now you wouldn’t want that, would you?  I didn’t think so.  You better keep Community around for my life depends on it.


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