Community Withdrawals Week 4

It’s been a whole month since I last saw a new episode of Community.  That is something that bothers me oh so greatly.  If only they had kept it on the air, I could watch a new episode tonight.  Alas, I am left with 30 Rock, a show that I do not watch.  It is a disappointment.  And it adds to my withdrawals.

This is week four.  Week four, you hear me?  I’ve gone four whole weeks and my withdrawal symptoms are adding up.  The first week it was a headache.  The second week it was a stomach ache.  Week 3 brought a slight loss of memory which caused me to not make a new withdrawal entry.  This week brings another symptom.  This week’s symptom is a fever.  That is right, I now have a fever and I am blaming a lack of new Community episodes for this.

If NBC keeps Community off the air for too much longer, I may end up going the way of Jeff Goldblum in The Fly.  I’m dying here, you hear me?  I’m dying.

The pain I am being forced to endure is not streets ahead in any way.  It is streets behind.  By all means, this pain is streets behind.  If I get any more sick, I may have to go see a doctor.  Are there any doctors who know how to treat a case of new Community episode withdrawal?  If any know what to do and can cure it for me, please do.  I’m heading into my final act.

That’s the newest update on how my Community withdrawal is going.  I don’t know how much worse this could get.  Next week we will find out.


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