Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 16: I'm Dreaming of a White Ranger

Previously on Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, love was in the air.  A monster was sent down from the moon to rain love potion on the people of Angel Grove.  Skull got his shot with Kimberly.  Bulk and Aisha had something going.  All this happened while Rita and Zedd were on a second honeymoon.  It ended with a dance that everyone from Angel Grove attended.

Next up is a Christmas episode that should clearly be focused on Tommy.  That means that, like the previous episode, Kimberly should play a pivotal role.  How can she not in a Tommy episode?  They’re in a relationship.  We’ll see just how much of a role she has to play in…
Season 3, Episode 16: I’m Dreaming of a White Ranger
Christmas came to Angel Grove.  A party was being set up at the Angel Grove Youth Center.  The teens were in charge, with Aisha leading a choir of children while Kimberly played guitar.  One of the girls in the choir was sad because her father wasn’t around for the holidays.  She got her wish in the end, though, as her father came and joined the festivities alongside Kimberly’s mom and stepdad.

Bulk and Skull were helping out with the Christmas party as well.  Bulk dressed up as Santa and asked the children what they wanted for Christmas.  Skull was by his side, dressed up as one of Santa’s trusty reindeer.  They weren’t crazy about the job they were doing, but it all paid off when the girl’s father showed up for Christmas.  She went to Santa Bulk to thank him for her Christmas wish coming true.  It was a heartwarming moment for the comedic pair.

Bulk wasn’t the only Santa in the episode.  The real Santa Claus was a part of what happened.  While everyone was preparing for the Christmas party, Rito Revolto and Goldar went to the North Pole to try and get Santa to give out tops for Christmas.  The tops would brainwash the children of the world.  Rita and Zedd would then use the children to destroy Earth.  When Rito and Goldar went back to the moon with a gift from the North Pole, they realized that the gift was all their tops.  They had been foiled again.

There was only one real fight in the episode, and it didn’t involve any new monsters.  The Power Rangers went to Santa’s workshop and helped the elves fight back against Rito and Goldar.  There was a snowball fight outside, and ribbon trip wires inside.  They pummelled the two monsters and sent them back to the moon with their plan ruined.
When Mighty Morphin Power Rangers does a holiday episode, it usually ends up being a little weird.  There was a Halloween episode with a rapping pumpkin that stuck jack-o-lanterns on the Power Rangers’ heads.  Alpha got to go to a costume party at the Youth Centre in another episode.  Alpha also got his own Christmas special where he sang to kids and decorated the Command Centre.  Now there was another weird Christmas episode where the Power Rangers got in a snowball fight outside Santa’s workshop.  The holidays led to wacky storylines for the Power Rangers.

Going back to Alpha for a second, there was a little surprise on that front in this episode.  A few different actors donned the Alpha 5 suit over the course of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  The first, and longest lasting of them, was Romy J. Sharf.  She was Alpha 5 through the first and second seasons, handing over the reigns to Sandi Sellner following the change of the Power Ranger team.  She came back in I’m Dreaming of a White Ranger, playing the main elf in Santa’s Workshop.  Many actors that left the Power Rangers franchise before the end of a season would come back in some form.  Bryan Cranston voiced a couple monsters in the first season and came back to play Zordon in the 2017 film.  Austin St. John would come back during Zeo.  Johnny Yong Bosch would return for one-off episodes in future seasons.  Jason David Frank would return for an entire season at one point.  Even Amy Jo Johnson returned when they made Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie.  Almost everyone came back after they left to have some more Power Rangers fun.  It was nice to see an Alpha 5 suit performer getting the same chance.

The other thing that should be mentioned about I’m Dreaming of a White Ranger is the timing of the episode.  The episode originally aired two weeks after Kimberly left for the Pan Global Games, which was odd because Kimberly was heavily featured in the episode.  Subsequent releases put the episode at the sixteenth of the season, as I’m doing for the blog, because it made more sense for the continuity.

And with that, another Mighty Morphin Power Rangers post comes to a close.  Christmas has come and gone once again, and the Power Rangers will be heading onto their next challenge.  Coming up is another multi-episode story, so things should be getting really good really quickly.  The Kimberly stuff should be rolling strong as Amy Jo Johnson prepares to leave the show.  We’ll find that out soon when I come back for the next episode.  See you then.


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