Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 15: The Potion Notion

In the last episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, a monster came to Earth and stole the faces of the people it met.  It took Bulk’s face and Skull’s face.  It took Aisha’s face and Adam’s face.  The rest of the Power Rangers had to find a way to return everyone’s faces and take down the monster once and for all.  They did it with the Ninja Ultrazord.

Now they’re onto another episode that has something to do with science and/or magic.  Perhaps it’s an episode devoted to Billy.  There hasn’t been a Billy episode in quite some time.  That would be a nice thing to see.  We’ll find out real soon, though, as I push play on…
Season 3, Episode 15: The Potion Notion
A big dance was coming up at Angel Grove High.  It wasn’t the high school’s dance, though.  It was a dance being held by the Junior Police Patrol.  Bulk and Skull were in the halls of the school trying to sell tickets to the dance.  They got Tommy and Kimberly to get tickets.

Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa were going on a vacation for their second honeymoon and they left Goldar in charge during their absence.  He was to make sure their newest monster was ready for when they returned.  He went down to Earth to fight the Power Rangers.  Rito snuck into Finster’s workshop cabinet, got a love potion out, and sent the monster to Earth with it.  It was the same love potion that Rita had used on Lord Zedd to marry him.

The monster created a bunch of strange romances.  Kimberly became infatuated with Skull, which was a fun one because Skull always had a crush on her.  Bulk became attracted to Aisha, who didn’t return the favour at all until the potion was being reversed.  Then there was the love triangle between Lt. Stone, Ms. Appleby, and Mr. Caplan.  When Goldar found out about the plan, he sent Finster down to reverse the spells.

Lord Zedd returned to the castle, found out what happened, and sent the monster down to destroy Angel Grove.  The Power Rangers quickly put an end to that, saving the city.  Then they went to the dance.  Lt. Stone danced with Ms. Appleby.  Bulk had a date that was never mentioned before.  Kimberly danced with Tommy, then with Skull.  Aisha and Billy got in on the dancing too.  It was a nice dance with a performance by a band.

The first fight, against Goldar and the Tenga Warriors, was the fight of the episode.  It took place in a few different spots in the park.  The Goldar stuff was in an open area surrounded by a few trees.  Kimberly fought a few Tenga Warriors on a bridge.  She used the railing to perform some moves, kicking, flipping, and catching herself before tossing a Tenga Warrior over the railing.  There was some action taking place around picnic tables too.  There weren’t too many special moves, but the Power Rangers did use teamwork to jump off each other and stuff.  It was a fun kick punch fight.  The giant fight wasn’t so much.  The monster grew in size, the Power Rangers got their Zords, there was a struggle for about ten seconds, then the Power Rangers won.  That was it.  Oh well.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers had a lot to like in The Potion Notion.  It was an ensemble episode that let almost everyone have their moment.  Even Rocky, who wasn’t really a part of any story thread, got a moment where he turned around at the dance and asked a woman out.  Usually the episodes focus mainly on one character or a pair of characters.  This episode put the focus on everyone, and it was a delightful change from the usual.  It showed how well everyone fit together.  The main cast, the supporting cast, the heroes, the villains, and everyone in between.  Mighty Morphin Power Rangers spent two-and-a-bit seasons building a world.  This episode showed the world off.

I briefly mentioned that Kimberly was infatuated with Skull and Skull got to dance with her at the Junior Police Patrol Ball.  This was a nice little bit of payoff to a story thread that existed since nearly the beginning of the show.  Bulk and Skull were always the comedic relief of the show.  They were bullies in the beginning.  Then they started a quest to try and find out who the Power Rangers really were.  In the third season, they joined the Angel Grove Junior Police Patrol.  Even with their comedic antics, they’ve always had some real character traits.  Skull had a crush on Kimberly.  It didn’t come up much after the relationship between Tommy and Kimberly started, but it was still there.  To see it pay off with Skull getting his dance was a fun way to close out the story thread before Kimberly left the show.

That’s about all that there is to say about this episode of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.  It helped close out a running joke sort of story thread without adding much to the overall Mighty Morphin Power Rangers mythology.  Unless the Lt. Stone relationship with Ms. Appleby pans out, that is.  That could become a big thing.  I doubt it, but it could.  The next episode will continue the festivities by going to… Christmas, I guess?  I’m Dreaming of a White Ranger will be coming up soon.  See you then.


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