Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Season 3, Episode 7: Ninja Quest, Part IV

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers has gone through a lot over three seasons.  The lineup changed in a major way with three Rangers being replaced.  Their powers were upgraded not once, but twice.  Tommy was the Green Ranger and now he’s the White Ranger.  Bulk and Skull even evolved from bullies to the guys who wanted to unmask the Power Rangers to junior police cadets.  Oh, and each season added a major villain.  We’re only seven episodes into the third season and all this has happened.

This episode is going to tie up the Ninja Quest storyline with the Power Rangers harnessing their new powers to stop Rito Revolto from destroying Angel Grove.  They will use their Ninja Zords for the first time.  Bulk and Skull will keep training to help Angel Grove in a different way.  This episode should be a big one, so why don’t we get started.
Season 3, Episode 7: Ninja Quest, Part IV
The Power Rangers started the episode by going into battle against Rito Revolto.  He was attacking Angel Grove on his own, and they needed to stop him.  They got their new Zords and went into battle.  When Rito got his arm cannon thing, the Power Rangers upgraded to their new Megazord.  He fled before they could defeat him.

They went back to the Command Centre to fix the damage that had been done.  When it was fixed, they found that Vampirus was attacking Ninjor.  If Ninjor was defeated, or his secret temple was taken, the Ninja Powers would be useless.  The Power Rangers headed out to find their friend and take down Vampirus.

Meanwhile, Bulk and Skull were training for the Junior Police Patrol.  They were going through obstacle courses, trying to do whatever they could to not work.  They went through some of the obstacles backwards.  It was comedic relief for what was otherwise a fight episode.  In the end, the two buffoons graduated and became Junior Police Officers, only to knock down all of the other Junior Police Graduates during the ceremony.

Speaking of the fights, there were two big fights.  There was the fight against Rito and the fight against Vampirus.  The first fight was the introduction of the new Zords, showing Rocky fighting Rito before transitioning into the new Megazord.  It was a fairly standard large fight, with the added introductions.  The fight at the end had a giant Ninjor fighting alongside the Power Rangers in what was a fun enough little team up against Vampirus.  It was a good little team up effort.
With the first real major storyline of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers season 3 coming to a close, there were some big changes that happened.  The gang got the Ninja Powers from Ninjor in his hidden temple.  Along with the Ninja Powers came brand new Ninja Zords, which led to a new Ninja Megazord.  They had to fight off the same villains, with the addition of the new character, Rito Revolto.  Luckily for the Power Rangers, they had Ninjor on their side.  And who could forget Bulk and Skull?  They stopped searching for the Power Rangers’ identities and turned their attention to joining the Junior Police Patrol.  This story transitioned Mighty Morphin Power Rangers into the next phase of its life.

One of the more minor changes that should still be noted was the change in the opening credits.  Mighty Morphin Power Rangers changed things up in the fourth part of Ninja Quest.  No longer were we seeing morphed footage from the first and second seasons.  There were new clips to highlight the show for people coming into it on whatever day they decided to watch.  The characters had their Ninja Powers and they were using them.  The Ninja Zords were shown.  Rito Revolto had an appearance.  It was an updated opening credits sequence for the third season.

It’s also worth noting that the end credits of every episode at this point were bloopers from the episode.  In the case of the final Ninja Quest installment, the end credits featured Bulk trying to jump over a wall, while Skull was able to do it quick and easy.  It might not have even been a blooper.  It may have been extra footage that wasn’t used in the episode.

When the montage of Bulk and Skull training was happening, they got a song of their own.  The montage was set to Shape It Up, Bulk and Skull.  The song was about the two characters training to be a part of the Junior Police Patrol.  Not too much to say about that, other than it was a thing.  They trained to a song about them training.  It wasn’t a great song, though it worked for the comedy of the pair struggling through the boot camp.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is chugging along, seven episodes into the third season.  After a lackluster first storyline that didn’t really have much impact on the overall story, the show kicked it into high gear with Ninja Quest.  Things were shaken up, leading to a new status quo.  The show will be different moving forward.  Will it be good?  That’s a question that will be answered by watching more episodes.  Coming up next is a one off called A Brush with Destiny.  That should be a nice change of pace from the multi-part stories.  See you soon for that.


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